Friday 2 September 2022

Fri 2nd Sept: Our first HKDR pop star

Waffle at the time of his adoption

 For something completely different to start this post, although still about dogs of course, we have possibly our first HKDR stage star in Waffle, a poodle adopted some time ago by singer Terence Lam.  When Waffle first came to us he was unrecognisable as a poodle, but look at the transformation after lots of love and care. While I wouldn't normally say that having a dog on stage at a pop concert was fair for a dog, Waffle looks as though he's very happy to be there with his daddy and lapping up the attention and adoration.  Watch the video here: 
Yes, this really is the same Waffle

I needed that bit of cheering up as the past couple of days have been tough, losing two of my senior Lamma dogs (Faith and Beanie) with another, Oliver, having to go to Acorn after I could see he was really not at all well.  The worst part of Oliver's hospitalisation for me is that he has almost never been off Lamma, and he's my shadow dog, following at my heels wherever I go.  He must feel as though I've abandoned him, and left him in a place that's so unfamiliar.  I suppose most dog owners feel this way, and personally I find it really upsetting.  I hope he can come home soon.

Another thing that's been causing all sorts of problems is the ongoing email issue, which thankfully is about to be resolved.  However in the meantime I haven't been receiving all emails, so anyone who has sent me a message will think that I've just ignored it.  I have no idea what's gone missing and will have to go back through the most important messages that I sent to see which really need to be followed up.  Thankfully at least, the rest of the HKDR team have been getting many of the messages that have passed me by, but I have spent the past week wondering why nobody is replying to me. 

I shared the van today with a young dog who's facing a long uphill road to recovery.  Aiden came to us with the most recent intake of dogs, and he has very obvious post-distemper  neurological issues, so bad that we will probably need to have one of his front legs amputated.  Aiden is a very cute young boy, but this short video clearly shows the non-stop bobbing that's so typical of the distemper survivor.  You can't see the constant leg movement because he's lying down, but depending on Dr Tony's assessment, if the leg has to be removed to allow Aiden to be able to walk properly, we will definitely need a foster home for him.  I know there are many kind-hearted dog lovers out there, so I'm hoping there will be a special one for Aiden. 

The weekend is here again, and we have some adoption interviews lined up so I hope I'm going to be able to share some happy news over the next couple of days.  

One young dog who needs a home is Adam, a very sweet and beautiful young German shepherd type. The reason I'm specifically mentioning him is that he's currently staying at our HKDR@Elgin space in Soho, but he's big enough to be able to jump over the barriers we have in place, and to wander round freely.  It's not a huge problem in that there's nowhere he can go (except upstairs to the shop area), but he needs a proper home.  He's currently a medium-large size, but as we're not absolutely sure of his age he may still have some growing to do. 

1 comment:

  1. What a fabulous transformation of Waffle! Love it! Thank you, to Terence Lam. X
