Wednesday 14 September 2022

Weds 14th Sept: The Big Smoke

 Going out into Central these days is like wading through mud due to the air pollution, and it's one of the reasons I try to avoid leaving Lamma as much as possible.  However there are times when a trip to the Big Smoke is unavoidable, and today was one of those days, but at least it gave me the opportunity to get together with our ex-General Manager, Linda, to talk about the upcoming 20th Anniversary Book which she has kindly offered to help with (as she did with the 10th Anniversary Book).  I received quite a few emails yesterday from adopters wanting their dogs to be included, and they're all safely filed for when we have some more concrete plans, dates and locations.  If you have an HKDR dog and would like to have him or her (or them) feature in the book, please email me at (there will obviously be a donation required).

One of the ideas we have is that we can use the HKDR@Elgin location as a photo studio, so all photos will be of the same look and quality.  In the meantime, the shop at Elgin Street is fully operational, and the lower floor is where we hold our training classes and workshops.  Cam Ng is the manager, and she's there every weekday.

I know many readers of my blog are here to find out about new arrivals, especially the smaller-sized dogs and puppies.  I've mentioned before that there must be a backlog of many puppies that were intercepted as they were being smuggled in from China, and have been held in quarantine and, for some, awaiting court cases.  The earliest arrests and confiscations took place a long time ago, and recent pugs Snuffle and Snoopy, and Doberman Dylan, were the first to be released to us for re-homing.  They've since been adopted, but what we saw in all of them was that having missed out on normal puppy development for the months of their quarantine confinement, they behaved like young puppies even at eight or nine months of age.   With the pugs it was funny because they were like two crazy kids having fun, but it's been more challenging with Dylan as a large dog who still acts like a baby. 

Now there are more such puppies coming to us on Friday, this time two white poodles, a girl and boy, eight months old, and a seven month-old Maltese.  I know we'll receive a lot of adoption applications for these puppies, so based on our experiences with the previous three we will choose the homes that we think will be best suited to handle the training and play biting, and if at all possible we would like to see the poodles adopted as a pair.   

If you are interested in adopting any of our dogs and puppies, please start by completing the questionnaire at

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