Thursday 17 March 2022

Thurs 17th March: Our commitment to the dogs is lifelong

 Other than time things seem to be moving so slowly these days, and I know it's not just for me or HKDR, but it's still frustrating.  We're getting lots of adoption enquiries but they're mostly for small-sized puppies which we don't have, or for dogs like shiba inu Donny that really have particular requirements when it comes to any potential home. No dog is completely unhomeable, but there are many who need experienced adopters as well as space, understanding, good exercise, proper training and so on, and it would be pointless placing them in homes that can't provide these things.  The dogs would be returned very quickly, and that doesn't help anyone, least of all the dogs themselves. 

Be a good boy Bertie

At least one small dog found a home today, and I really hope this time it will work out.  On the surface Bertie is a very sweet and easy companion dog, but he can get angry at times (like if he's disturbed when napping), so we had to be very clear about his behaviour. 

It can take years for some dogs to overcome a bad start in life, and it's only recently that Banjo on Lamma has decided I'm an OK person.  He came to us from an abusive home when he was just a year old, and he was a very angry and frightened little dog.  It's funny to imagine that such a tiny thing can be so scary, but Banjo had his moments for sure.  I don't honestly know if he will ever be able to leave Lamma, but it's enough that he now sits by my side and asks for back rubs.  These small things can mean so much after years of being barked at and told (in dog language) to go away. 

HKDR's commitment to our dogs is something that will never change, which is why we have the Lamma Small Dogs Home, as well as the Red Dog Centre.  There are also many Tai Po dogs that lived with me on Lamma when they were puppies, and are now seniors coming to the end of their days, if not already residing in the Great Kennel in the Sky as our "Forever Dogs".  

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