Wednesday 21 July 2021

Weds 21st July: A new walking route for Ap Lei Chau dogs

The poodles are all related

 When I open my emails first things in the morning there are already a lot of messages needing to be replied to, and then more arrive throughout the day and well into late evening.  I knew something was wrong when Eva referred to an email that had been sent to both of us but which I hadn't received, and checking back I saw that my last message was at 1pm and then nothing, and that really never happens.  

Thankfully most internal messages are sent via Whatsapp so at least there was communication between the staff, which was just as well because we had an emergency situation with poodle Strudel in the early evening which continued until late when she was taken to Concordia Pet Care for hospitalisation and 24-hour care.   Strudel was one of four poodles who were surrendered to us, with the oldest pair being twelve years of age and the youngest having a serious heart problem, maybe due to the fact that she's the result of inbreeding mother with son.  Anyway this is a long way of saying if I don't respond to an email sent or an adoption questionnaire it's because I didn't receive it.  Ka Yan is working on the problem so I hope things will be resolved very quickly.

The catalogue has been updated now

I managed to drop by the Ap Lei Chau Homing Centre and while I was there I picked up the Chinese paintings I'd bought for myself, and then hopped over to Aberdeen in the hope that a framers I'd used decades ago would be still be there.  Thankfully it was, even though the whole area is being torn down and redeveloped, so I was able to hand over the artwork to be framed.  The man in the shop commented that the paintings were very old, which they are, so if you'd like to take the opportunity to buy original Chinese art at an amazing price please email for an updated catalogue showing which paintings are still available after many have already been bought.   As a reminder the paintings are $500 each, or $1000 for three. 

FFollow the yellow pawprints like Dozer

Walking to the ferry which runs non-stop between Ap Lei Chau and Aberdeen I noticed little yellow pawprints had been painted the entire length of the waterfront promenade, or praya is it's called.  I understood this to mean that the area must have been included in the new dog-friendly scheme, which is great news for the dogs and the volunteers who can now enjoy walking the dogs along the entire length of the waterfront to take in the views of the boats and local life, rather than having to stick to the dog park.  Of course it's on leash for the dogs but I think they'll appreciate the change of scenery and scents as much as the dog walkers, so I'm really very happy that this has happened. 

For anyone who wants to become a volunteer dog walker we particularly need more help at Tai Po, and especially on weekdays.  I receive many emails (other than today of course) asking about signing up, and telling me that all orientation classes are full, but if you can volunteer during the week then we can fast-track you.  However we can't make exceptions for those under eighteen years of age (another very common request), or for anyone who just wants to help out short-term.  Getting to know the dogs and really being able to be of assistance takes time, so long-term volunteers are very valuable to us.  

You can find out more by visiting our website

Gigi's new life starts today

I almost forgot to mention that little Gigi was adopted today and has a new family life now. 

1 comment:

  1. Gigi looks like a Japanese Terrier, which used to prevalent in HK in the 70's & 80"s, but you hardly see them these days. They were always the cute little puppies that were for sale in a cardboard box in Mongkok!
