Monday 5 July 2021

Mon 5th July: Mondays are Busy Days

 Mondays are invariably busy as we catch up after the weekend, even though we're obviously a seven-day-a-week operation.  There's food deliveries and post-adoption follow-ups, and today multiple dogs going to different clinics for a variety of reasons, so our driver Ming was back and forth ferrying dogs in  the van.   I even had three dogs going over from Lamma, and that's always as stressful for me as it is for the dogs because I never know how they're going to handle it, especially one of them, Fiji, who always screams at the slightest thing like she's being murdered. 

(The cherry eye will be removed when Teezil is desexed). 

There's also a lot of enquiries to reply to after the photos are posted of the Whiskers N Paws puppy party (here's a reminder Puppy Adoption Day 04th July 2021 ), although many are only interested in small-sized puppies.  The only small-sized puppy boy we currently have is Teezil, but just because he's small in stature that doesn't mean he doesn't need or want lots of exercise and play.   Take a look at Teezil's photos here

"Hot dog" Dozer

Another Ap Lei Chau Homing Centre resident is new boy Dozer, a five year-old French/English bulldog that Iris snapped this photo of as the dogs were settling down for the night.  She said Dozer insisted on having this bed even though it's too small and he resembles a hot dog lying it it! 

We're just finishing the poster for a small adoption event taking place this Saturday which will be for larger young mongrel (mixed breed) puppies, so look out for that on our Hong Kong Dog Rescue Facebook page, or on here tomorrow.  

For all adoption enquiries please start by completing the questionnaire at and remember to check your Spam inbox if waiting for a reply.

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