Thursday 22 July 2021

Thurs 22nd July: I'm a worried dog owner

Xixi is a Failed Foster puppy

 Two puppies were adopted from their foster homes today, one being Xixi, who's been with her family since she first arrived meaning they join the Failed Foster Club.  Congratulations!  In fact I'd mistakenly written before that all of the "X Factor" puppies had been adopted, completely forgetting about Xixi because she'd been taken on arrival and not been seen since, although of course Cindy has been in regular contact throughout. 

I'd already mentoned baby Bessie, but her adoption has now been formalised with the paperwork completed even if she'll stay in her current foster home for a while longer.  

Remember the campsite family? Waiting for Ming today at ALCVC

I was at Concordia Pet Care with my Lamma dog Griffin for a couple of hours in the afternoon, and it was a good reminder of why he had never been adopted as a puppy, or rather why he had been returned by his adopters after a short time.  He's an incredibly sweet and friendly dog, happy to greet everyone with a wagging tail, but if you get personal with him in the sense of trying to check his body, that's a different matter.  He had to be sedated in the end and everything took much longer than planned for, and while the outcome was a happy one in the end (nothing physically wrong with him) it meant driver Ming's schedule for picking up other dogs and puppies from various places was completely thrown out.  

An unhappy Griffin going home

I'm still concerned about Griffin because his behaviour suddenly changed recently, and that's one of the signs that all dog owners notice that vets can't see.  Griffin loved his walks but now refuses to come along, and while he's always slept on my bed with me now he's taken to getting off and disappearing halfway through the night.   He was definitely not happy with me after today's experience and I'm wondering if I'll ever be forgiven. 

Maybe it was the sedation after-effects, but one of the signs that Griffin wasn't happy was that he refused the new GrowsFresh bones that were donated again today, and usually he's first in line for his.  The other dogs loved the bones of course, and thanks again to for this very popular and healthy treat.  By the way, they offer a lot more than meat if you check their website. 

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