Tuesday 1 June 2021

Tues 1st June: Starting the month with a bang (and flashes)


Tanner avoided the worst of the weather

What a day!  I know rain was badly needed and I was happy for the downpours, but the day-long thunder and lightning scared my dogs so much that by the evening one of them started having seizures for the first time in his life.  Chungy is coming up for ten years of age and is one of the dogs that joins the morning walk, and just as I was about to eat my evening meal I saw him under a table in a corner having a seizure.  Even this morning (Wednesday) he hasn't come out so he's obviously very scared about what happened. 

Events in a dog's life can have a lifelong effect, and I have other dogs who have had experiences that  permanently changed their habits and behaviour.  For example at one time there was a rogue wild boar around who attacked and even killed some of my dogs, and Gershwin was one went through such an attack.  He was lucky to survive the deep neck wound, but he has never gone back into the woods with me, and he used to love his walks before this happened. 

Some dogs are extremely sensitive to scary events, or what they see as being scary, such as visits to the vet, and this is one reason why some pet owners say their dog's behaviour has changed since they were desexed (for example).  It's usually not the actual operation that has caused this, but the experience of being left at the vet (that's pretty traumatic in itself), anaesthetised and waking up to find themselves in a strange environment and feeling pretty groggy.   You may have a dog that refuses to even walk past the vet clinic let alone go inside, such is the fear memory of a previous time and event. 

Changes in a dog's habits can also indicate illness, and again I've seen this with my Lamma dogs and currently black fluffy Fiji, who's been losing hair and suddenly choosing a totally new place to rest and sleep.  She'll have to see a vet to find out what's happening but being one of those very sensitive types I'm dreading putting her through what I know will be quite traumatic for her.  This is definitely one of the downsides of living in a remote place where a trip to the vet involves a boat trip as well as a van ride.

One lucky dog left the Tai Po Homing Centre in the morning so Tanner was able to avoid the bad weather inside his new home.  


I've been bugging Cindy to send me more photos of puppies that have been staying in foster homes as they grow so quickly even a week makes a difference.  The photo of little Sooty that I posted on Facebook was seen by hundreds of supporters, and no surprise there as he's a gorgeous little pup, not quite ready for adoption on his own just yet.   There are others in Sooty's litter, all black, and with fluffy coats or short.


The "P" Litter are the ones that are really ready to move to their forever homes from foster care, and the only reason they haven't already been adopted is that they had tick fever as young babies and that means they probably won't be able to enter countries like Australia and New Zealand at a later date. 

These pups are not going to be large adults, although we can't say for sure what medium means in terms of final size.  For all enquiries please contact Cindy at foster@hongkongdogrescue.com, or complete the questionnaire at www.hongkongdogrescue.com/adopt/adoption-questionnaire/

Bath time for Percy


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