Monday 7 June 2021

Mon 7th June: Not the expected 3, but another 2 instead



The three AFCD dogs (two medium-sized mixed breeds and a chihuahua) were held back until Tuesday, but that doesn't mean there weren't any new arrivals.  Rather than the three anticipated, we took in a dog that had been thrown out of her home when the owners moved, leaving the dog to fend for herself.  I have no words for such people, and I don't know if the dog is desexed but highly doubt it, meaning before too long she would become one of those who produces more unwanted puppies. The dog is now called Lorna.

The other new arrival was one such unwanted puppy, now called Portia, and she's staying at our Ap Lei Chau Homing Centre. 

We've been continuing to get surrender requests from people leaving Hong Kong and saying they can't take their dog with them, meaning it's too difficult or too expensive.   We all know that transporting an animal to another country is a challenge at the moment, and yes, it's expensive, but please don't think that it can't be done.  I've heard of dog owners in this situation banding together to charter a plane, not such an outlandish idea and probably no more expensive than shipping a dog on an individual basis, so you can see what's possible if you're determined to include the dogs as part of the family.  

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