Tuesday 26 March 2019

Tues 26th March: Spartacus needs a home

It seems like a long time since I took any dogs or puppies from AFCD kennels (and I'm not complaining, just commenting), but today there were two youngsters ready to go.  They're not the instantly waggy-tailed type, but I think they'll be fine once they settle at the Homing Centre and start playing with the other pups. 
Look at this beautiful face 

At least they're healthy and have a full coat of hair, unlike the poor ex-breeder group who were given a bath today and I'm sure are feeling much better for it.  These girls are all so sweet, and desperate for love and attention.  Going into their room you are guaranteed to be instantly surrounded by little pleading faces just wanting to be petted, something they have been deprived of all their lives, and it's impossible not to feel heartbroken for them, and all of the other breeder dogs not yet free.   If you are interested in adopting any of these sweet dogs please complete the adoption questionnaire on our website www.hongkongdogrescue.com (under Adopt).  They do have an infectious (to other dogs) skin problem but the treatment is easy and effective.

While it's easy enough for us to accommodate and take care of the smaller dogs while they're waiting for homes, the need for the young and very active large breeds to be adopted is much more urgent.  I'm thinking in particular of Spartacus, a one year-old Malinois, also known as a Belgian shepherd.  This breed are known for their intelligence and endurance, which is why they are now used as police dogs instead of the German shepherd.   They need hours of exercise as well as mental stimulation, so they are not suitable to be apartment dogs in the city, or general family pets.  Properly treated and trained the Malinois is an incredible dog, but without the exercise and appreciation of its needs then they can easily develop behaviour problems.

Handsome Spartacus needs the right home 
Spartacus is a lovely boy but he's desperate for attention, and to be someone's dog.  He would suit a home in the countryside with lots of space and adopters who led a very active lifestyle, and had experience of dogs.  If that sounds like you and you can offer Spartacus a home please let us know. 

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