Wednesday 14 June 2023

Weds 14th June: A surprise in-and-out

Standard poodle or labradoodle?

 When Yannie sent me a message asking if we had any suitable home for a standard poodle puppy that needed a new family, of course I said we had many, thanks to recent labdradoodle Byron and the avalanche of offers received at that time.  I immediately contacted the first on the list, and to cut the story short by the end of the day the puppy (which I think is actually a labradoodle too, but that's not important) was already settling into his new home.   The reason this puppy was being given up was that he was much bigger than his owner had expected, but at least the man had the sense to realise that and understand that his home wasn't suitable.
The corgi will come to us on Thursday

This morning I got a surrender request for another purebreed dog that was abandoned, this time a corgi, and while it looks young from the photo I have no further information at this time.  All I was told was that this corgi has already been in at least three homes, passed on because the families had no time to take care of it.  I have agreed to accept the dog in case there's anyone reading this that would be interested in adopting.  As always please start the process by completing the questionnaire at

You may have seen the recent terrible story about the pug puppy that was found suffocated (I have to admit I quickly scrolled past the details), and the fact that the puppy had been bought online.  I receive many applications to adopt from people that are completely unsuitable for keeping a dog, or any pet other than a fish or hamster, and while I can turn them down I know these are the types that will go to a pet shop, breeder, or even worse just buy online.  All that's required is a click and a payment, and a puppy is on its way.  There's no more thought about the realities of what a puppy needs than the fact it's cute.  I should be used to it by now, but I'm constantly shocked by the lack of understanding that a dog is a living, intelligent animal that has feelings, emotions and an absolute need for company in whatever form it comes.   If you don't have the time for a dog, please PLEASE don't get one, and volunteer instead.  You can spend as much time as you want with our dogs and puppies, and while doing that you also learn about them and their care. 

Also disappointing is the desire for a breed and the outright rejection of anything that may not have a particular label attached.  The irony of the labradoodle popularity is that this is also a mixed breed, a cross between a labrador and a poodle, but leaving that aside, no dog of any type comes with a guarantee of health or character.   We have had and homed so many mixed breeds that are totally gorgeous and with the most wonderful personalities, and so many of my Lamma dogs that ended up staying with me for whatever reason are, or were, definitely the best dogs in the world. 

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