Monday 26 June 2023

Mon 26th June: From foster to forever

 Ingrid was an ex-breeder shiba inu who came to us in April via AFCD, where she and some other breeder dogs had been surrendered (we still have poodle Isla in foster from that intake).  She was immediately taken for fostering, and today her forever status was confirmed. 

Blind poodle Dusty came as part of another intake in early May, and she too was lucky enough to be offered a foster home where she'll now be staying for ever.  Obviously we're especially happy about this adoption because being blind makes moving to another home much more challenging for any dog, and Dusty has settled so well where she is. 

I was happy to see that there is finally some discussion about changing the current four-month quarantine requirement for pets coming to Hong Kong from certain countries.  I remember when the UK had even longer quarantine of six months, and that was scrapped a long time ago without any cases of rabies appearing as a result.  Absolutely nobody wants to see rabies in Hong Kong, with the last known case being recorded back around 1980, but the rabies vaccination is extremely effective and animals can also have titre tests showing the level of immunity.  The inevitable result of the quarantine requirement, in addition to the lack of quarantine kennel space for those wanting to bring their pets in legally, is the rise in smuggling dogs and cats to and from China in particular.  It makes no sense at all to encourage this illegal business, which not only causes suffering and potential death to the animals, but also greatly increases the risk of rabies being imported.  I assume it will take years for any actual change in the laws, just as TNR (Trap, Neuter and Return) has been under discussion for decades, but at least someone is seeing sense. 

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