Saturday, 13 October 2018

Sat 13th Oct: The Gala day has arrived

Nicole and myself at Sarge'n'Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Gala
Obviously as I'm writing this on Sunday the Sarge'n'Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Gala has been and gone, and it was a great success (financially we are still waiting for the total amount).  I'm sure our volunteer event organiser, Nicole Boisvert, is relieved that she can finally relax, as putting together a big occasion like this is time consuming and stressful, especially in the final weeks, so I would like to thank Nicole as well as the supporting team of Laura Elphick and Margaret Kutt, and not forgetting our own HKDR staff Eva and Ka Yan, both of whom were there for the Gala itself as well as behind the scenes from the start.   Of course the sponsors made the whole event possible, including the Aberdeen Marina Club for providing the venue, and our volunteer photographers who so generously donated their time. We have a few photos to start with from Nathan King
and lots more to follow.
I mentioned Clive Miners of Rich Creation International (RCI) yesterday, and his amazing creations were bought up by the guests at the end of the evening.  There were many donations for the Silent and Live auctions, too many to name individually, but special thanks are due to:

Gold Sponsors
Aqua Group
Whiskers N Paws
Bob and Anna Partridge (personal sponsorship)

Silver Sponsors
Bowerbird Home
LKF Group  
Herman Miller
Mister when he first arrived at 8 months of age
I've been somewhat out of the loop for the past week as far as the dogs are concerned, but just reading my emails this morning I saw that the Typhoon Fosters for Mister have confirmed that they would like to adopt him, so that's a great way to start the day.  Mister ended up at AFCD as an older puppy before I took him out, and he is one of those for whom the awful typhoon was the best thing that ever happened because it meant he found his forever family.

I'll be at Whiskers N Paws on Sunday with our new and older puppies, because after all the dogs are what HKDR is for and about.

Will this week be Nattie's lucky one?

1 comment:

  1. Congrats everyone for all your hard work, and for making the Gala a great success!
