Sunday 9 July 2023

Sun 9th July: New dogs coming, and a great career opportunity

There's a whole family of these apparently

The anticipated message came today, the one letting me know that there would be a delivery of ten to twelve dogs (all small-medium I hope), including this scruffy family.  These are the dogs that seem to be a breed of some kind although I have no idea what, I only know there are apparently more than the three shown.  We will urgently need foster homes but it's definitely a dry season for both adopters and fosters as so many have headed out of Hong Kong for the summer.  However there must still be those who are staying, and if that's you and you can help, please complete the foster application at

Little Barbie is wondering where she is and why?

Huge thanks to Carol Chan for donating her time to be the volunteer photographer at Whiskers N Paws today Puppy Adoption Day 9th July 2023 . Even if there are no actual adoptions that take place, it's a great opportunity for the puppies to have some fun and playtime on the terrace, and to have some exposure in the photos taken.

I'm so happy for Ella 

Although we had quite a few visitors at Kennedy Town coming to meet the dogs and puppies, there was only one actual adoption that took place.  However this was a very special one, because it was the first of the "E" group of shy dogs to have been chosen, so we're all very happy about Ella's big day.  All of the "E" dogs are gradually coming out of their shells and getting used to walking out on the street, so I hope this adoption will be the first of others to follow.

Funny and sweet Bertie

I wonder why gorgeous poodle-terrier Bertie is still with us.  He's super cute and very playful, and he has a coat that would be suitable for allergy sufferers. 

Now for something completely different, WE'RE HIRING!
HKDR is looking for that special person to handle our PR, Fundraising and Events.
The ideal candidate will already be familiar with HKDR and our work, and be passionate about what we do.
Experience in the PR/Events/Marketing field is required, as well as an ability to work independently and with initiative.
Candidates should be confident about on-camera interviews in either Cantonese or English, and be willing to represent HKDR at any events that may take place at weekends or evenings (although these aren't frequent).
If this sounds like the perfect job for you please send your resume and expected salary, as well as available starting date, to

1 comment:

  1. Bertie is a special little dog! He's super cute! XXX
