Friday 14 July 2023

Fri 14th July: New faces and transformations

 I'm watching the weather closely and wondering if I should make a dash over to Hong Kong on Saturday for provisions, in case I get stuck on Lamma for a few days next week.   

I always worry about the Tai Po dogs during typhoons too, so if you can take in a dog for the duration of the heavy rain, or worse, please let us know.  For the sake of expediency, we prefer that already-registered fosters who have helped out before just come to our Tai Po Homing Centre to pick up a dog, but if you think you would like to join this group of special short-term bad weather fosters, please email Cindy at  If you planning on visiting with adoption in mind, I suggest Saturday rather than Sunday, assuming the weather forecast is correct.

Be happy Bo

To begin with I'll share this happy photo of adorable little Bo saying goodbye to HKDR and Kennedy Town as he begins his new life as a family member.  I think he's going to have a great time from now on. 

Bilbo and Bailey are a pair

Halo is a year old

While Bo was leaving, some more new dogs arrived at Kennedy Town, two poodles from AFCD, and only four this time from our regular "suppliers". Only one looked anything like the photos I'd been sent, and apparently those dogs are coming next week.  Today it was a litter of three, and a scruffy terrier type who was wearing a cone because she'd recently been desexed. 
These puppies look like Jack Russell crosses

Ticket is a sweet girl and ready for adoption 

Iris was also busy with her super-grooming skills,  transforming the matted dreadlocks of a couple of the Havanese family into something completely different.  What's amazing and really lovely too, is the fact that you can see from the dogs' faces how happy they are to be free of the heavy lumps that they've been dragging around.   

Look at Theo's big smile!

For all adoption enquiries please start by completing the questionnaire at 

Not an adoption yet, but sharpei girl Sharlene has been promised a home if the planned surgery on her jaw is successful.  The potential adopter, who has already given a wonderful home to many of our dogs over the years, sent Sharlene's CT scan images to a Professor of Maxillofacial Surgery who visits Hong Kong from time to time, and he feels optimistic that he can carry out what will probably be a five hour surgery to fix the jaw, followed by several post-operative days in hospital.  Once we have the full cost of everything we'll be asking for donations to help cover the cost, and I hope you will agree that it will be worth every dollar to see Sharlene able to live and normal life and to be able to open her mouth to eat.  You can see from the video that she's currently able to enjoy a squeezy paste treat, and doesn't appear to be in any discomfort.  

1 comment:

  1. What amazing transformations on those 2 Havanese dogs. They are gorgeous! XXX
