Sunday 23 July 2023

Sun 23rd July: Making space and cutting hair

 Eric Tang was back at Whiskers N Paws to be our volunteer photographer for the day, and as always his photos are just lovely  Puppy Adoption Day 23rd July 2023.  We had originally planned to send the three Jack Russell-cross "H" puppies, but after Holly was taken and we had so many enquiries about the other two, we felt it would be best to leave them at Kennedy Town.  As it turned out, that was a good decision and it's likely that Hannah and Hudson will be heading off to their new homes on Monday. 

Gypsy has left Kennedy Town 

It also seems to be the right time for the family of ten poodle types as they had a lot of interest and interviews today, with Gypsy being adopted and others soon to follow.  As you can see, since coming to us as a very "sticky" bunch, they have gained confidence as individuals with some of them suitable to be adopted as singletons. 
Salty was a mess

While everyone was busy with potential adopters and introducing the many dogs and puppies waiting to be chosen, volunteer Garry Fan was creating the before and after looks for some of the newer scruffy terriers.  It's really amazing what a difference a haircut makes, and I'm sure the dogs feel a million times better without all of the knots and clumps. 

Salty free from his horrible hair 

Sybil before 

While some of the most recent arrivals are still settling and starting to feel more secure, there are plenty who are really ready for adoption and super sweet.  Here are a few: Skye, Ticket, Scooter and Halo, with photos below. 

A few dogs left for foster homes, including the poodle pair Bailey and Bilbo, Theo, and German Shepherd Xena from Tai Po.

We also had to send more older puppies from Kennedy Town (Brilliant Court) to Tai Po to try to reduce the crowding, and this time it was Pixie, Tinker and Carter who made the move to the big Centre.  I really hope that once the slow summer period is over these lovely puppies will find their forever homes. 





A very different Sybil 

1 comment:

  1. WOW!! What incredible transformations! Amazing. I love them all. They'll go like Hot cakes!!! XXX
