Tuesday 22 September 2020

Tues 22nd Sept: Just a regular day taking care of our many dogs

For everyone who's been waiting to sign up for volunteering (and thank you for your patience) the pre-orientation video has now been completed and a trial run at our Tai Po Homing Centre seemed to go very well.  From now on everyone who applies to volunteer will be sent a link to the video which will introduce HKDR, how the volunteering works and what's involved, as well as basic safety information. There will be a quiz at the physical orientation to check that everyone has watched and paid attention to the video, but this system should prepare all potential volunteers and speed things up considerably.  Thanks to Cactus and Eagle in particular for their work on production, and hopefully we can get through the waiting list for those wanting to get started with walking the dogs and other tasks.


The weekdays tend to be quieter than the weekends in terms of adoptions, but every day is busy if you're talking about the work that needs to be done just in daily care of so many dogs.   Although we have far fewer (well, hardly any) new small-to-medium dogs arriving at our Ap Lei Chau Homing Centre these days we have plenty of puppies, and they take up time in terms of feeding, cleaning up and entertaining. Little Ned has to be carried in a harness for feeding and then twenty minutes afterwards to make sure his food goes down and stays down, and as he gets older and bigger he'll still need to be upright every time he eats. https://www.facebook.com/HKDR.DOGGIES/videos/2246160888863226

Thankfully the dog park is open again and the rain stayed away today, so everyone was able to enjoy a good runaround and playtime.  

One lucky Tai Po dog is going to be flying over to Canada as soon as she's had her paperwork sorted out, and we'll be looking for a flight volunteer very soon.  Watch this space for news of who and when, or keep checking our hkdogrescue Facebook page. 

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