Sunday 13 September 2020

Sun 13th Sept: Post-adoption panic

 With puppies coming back to the Homing Centre from their various foster homes there are so many photos to share, and the easiest way to see them all is by clicking on this link:

After a busy day greeting and entertaining many visitors today, the pups were sleepy and ready for bed:

The puppies are a variety of ages, and if you want to meet them please start by completing the adoption questionnaire at

The same obviously applies to any of the dogs of any age, and the value of the questionnaire is that it helps us to suggest the most suitable dogs or puppies for your particular situation. 

Whether adult or puppy, the first few days of a new family member can be stressful and difficult as both sides try to adapt.  It's not unusual to get panic emails saying things aren't working out after just twenty-four hours, or even less, and after reassuring the adopter that the dog can be returned, there's usually a follow-up message saying it's OK, things are better now. 

We're always happy to take dogs or puppies back if there's a real problem, but do ask that adopters do two very important things.  The first is to really think BEFORE bringing a dog or puppy home about the realities of being totally and fully responsible for that life for perhaps fifteen years, and secondly to understand that the animal is as confused and nervous as you are about what to do.  Don't panic immediately, and remember that our trainer Cactus is there to help, as are all of us if needed.  Relationships take time to develop, and that applies to dogs as much as people. 

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