Saturday 20 August 2022

Sat 20th Aug: Getting ready for a big Sunday Puppy Party!

 It's funny how suddenly so many people suddenly ask about the same dog or puppy, and I know a lot of it has to do with the photos and videos that are shared on our Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR) Facebook page but it still doesn't explain why it's just one that attracts sudden interest.  In this case Freda is the foster puppy that had several potential adopters enquiring about her, while we have so many others also available.   

Titan and Tina making their debut on Sunday

Some of the others whose videos were shared by their foster parents will be making their debut at Whiskers N Paws this Sunday, while still more will be heading over from Kennedy Town for the big Puppy Party from 2pm to 4pm at Horizon Plaza.  The full list is Azaria, Tina, Titan, Josh, Maize and Munchie from foster, and Tanya, Tabitha, Muppet, Mojo, Moose and Mambo from Kennedy Town. 

If you're interested in adopting please make sure you get there as early as possible and not just as we're packing up to leave.  If you can't be there for the two hours in the afternoon you can always meet puppies at our Kennedy Town Homing Centre any day between 10am and 6pm, or arrange a private meeting with foster puppies via our Foster Coordinator, Cindy.   Whichever way you choose, please make sure that you start by completing the adoption questionnaire as a first step
Indie left WNP today

We had a busy day at our Kennedy Town Centres today, with several families coming for a first meeting before making a decision.  I hope that means that Sunday will be the day that several puppies will be packing their bags and leaving to start their new lives, just like Indie did today from Whiskers N Paws.  Her departure leaves Jude on his own, but we'll be adding a new friend or two on Sunday.

Jude's on his own until Sunday

I also wanted to share an updated photo of Gina, one of the two ex-breeder poodles that came to us from AFCD.  She's looking so lovely now, and she's as sweet as she's pretty.  She does still need to be treated for heartworm, but she's available for adoption any time.

Snuffle and Snoopy 

Sweet Gina, 6 years old

Also another reminder that we have two adorable pug puppies currently staying on Lamma and enjoying themselves playing in the garden.  I've thought again about letting them be adopted separately, but they're so close and stick together all the time, so for now I'll wait for a home that can adopt them as a pair.  They're very sweet, funny and affectionate, and having two is just double the love and fun. 

Tinny's already adopted!

I almost forgot to mention another very happy adoption, that of little Tinny, the lonesome puppy girl who was taken for fostering the other day and has already had her adoption confirmed.  I can't wait to see photos and hear how she's getting on now that she's another rags-to-riches story. 

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