Tuesday 31 May 2016

Tues 21st May: Hot weather warnings

Sammy, Beefy (and brother Scout) will never be fathers now
It's been a very frustrating few days after my (newish) Smartphone totally died and I've been having to rely on regular text and phone calls instead of Whatsapp, and particularly group chats.  As a result of failed or mixed messages I was without a van and driver today, so apart from twins Sammy and Beefy, and their black-and-white brother Scout, going for desexing there was nothing more I could do other than to buy a cheap temporary phone replacement.

The summer is just about to start in earnest, and it already seems to be as hot as I can recall it ever being.   Now is the time to remind everyone about the dangers of heatstroke, and to walk in the shade on streets and pavements especially with small dogs whose bodies are very close to the oven-like surfaces.  Never ever leave a dog in a car, even for a short time, and carry water with you for your dogs if there is no natural source available.  Every year too many dogs die unnecessarily so be aware and watch for signs of distress such as heavy panting when out walking, and know what to do if that happens.  There is a huge amount of information on the internet, and here is just some:

Any pet that cannot cool himself off is at risk for heatstroke. Following these guidelines can help prevent serious problems.
• Keep pets with predisposing conditions like heart disease, obesity, older age, or breathing problems cool and in the shade. Even normal activity for these pets can be harmful.
• Provide access to water at all times.
• Do not leave your pet in a hot parked car even if you’re in the shade or will only be gone a short time. The temperature inside a parked car can quickly reach up to140 degrees.
• Make sure outside dogs have access to shade.
• On a hot day, restrict exercise and don’t take your dog jogging with you. Too much exercise when the weather is very hot can be dangerous.
• Do not muzzle your dog.
• Avoid places like the beach and especially concrete or asphalt areas where heat is reflected and there is no access to shade.
• Wetting down your dog with cool water or allowing him to swim can help maintain a normal body temperature.
• Move your dog to a cool area of the house. Air conditioning is one of the best ways to keep a dog cool, but is not always dependable. To provide a cooler environment, freeze water in soda bottles, or place ice and a small amount of water in several resealable food storage bags, and then wrap them in a towel or tube sock. Place them on the floor for the dog to lie on.
To protect your dog from a heat stroke, take the time to learn the signs and symptoms of heat stroke in dogs. Always ensure that your dog has access to water and shade in hot temperatures, and never leave your your dog in a hot car even if it is only for “a few minutes”.

I received an email from AFCD giving the link to full details of the proposed Animal Trader Licensing laws, and the contact email address if you have questions or comments.  I hope that anyone currently breeding and selling puppies is aware of these and is having a re-think, because I know that there are many online and home breeders masquerading as loving dog parents who just happen to have puppies "for adoption".  The sooner these people are forced to provide a license number every time they advertise the better, and of course the amendments also apply to commercial breeders too.

We would like to inform you that the proposed new Licence Conditions and Codes of Practice for licensed dog breeders and licensed animal traders trading in dogs are now available to download from our website. 


If you have any enquiries about these documents, please email Cap139B_amendment@afcd.gov.hk 




如閣下對上述文件有任何疑問,歡迎發送電郵到Cap139B_amendment@afcd.gov.hk 查詢。 

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