Saturday 28 May 2016

Sat 28th May: A catalogue of disasters

Jeremy had recently become totally blind but it was renal failure that ended his life
There have been worse days than today I'm sure, but I'd be hard pressed to remember one and it seemed like every disaster led to another.  I'm not going to catalogue all of the events as they happened, but by the end of the day my fairly new phone had completely shut down and I was - and still am - left with a calls-and-texts-only replacement. Being without Whatsapp and emails-on-the-run feels like being isolated on a small island, which is just about the truth. My wonderful dog Jeremy had to be euthanised, while difficult cocker spaniel Leo was suddenly returned (to me), and the two new super-friendly golden retrievers turned out to be not at all sweet and lovely when it came to small dogs and they are now at Tai Po as a result.
Leo was only returned as an act of human childishness, not because of anything he had done

This particular part of today's dramas highlighted once again that judging a dog by its breed is as sensible as thinking that all black dogs are aggressive.  As a rule all dogs are born good, albeit with different personalities, and yes "mass produced" breeds do tend to have inbred tendencies but they are still individuals.   Who knows why these two golden retrievers turned out to be so horrible with small dogs, although it does seem like the female was led on by the male.  Whatever the cause and although the two are closely bonded, we will separate them and at least give the girl the benefit of the doubt. Away from the influences of her "brother" there's a good chance that she will be fine, although of course until proven otherwise she can't be allowed to be around small dogs or other animals such as cats.

Without having access to our usual form of information sharing, I have no idea if anything of note happened at Tai Po or Ap Lei Chau, since nobody would have been aware that I wasn't receiving any Whatsapp messages.  I was expecting some good news about certain dogs that potential adopters had enquired about but I'll have to wait to find out, just as you will.

There are so many puppies needing homes now.
At least I'll be at Whiskers N Paws in person on Sunday so will be able to directly witness any adoptions or baby puppy fostering, and I hope there'll be some action to make up for my lack of good news today.  I have so many puppies now, all ages, and I need to find them homes.

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