Wednesday 22 March 2023

Weds 22nd March: Here we go again

 I'm going to jump straight in with photos of small sized puppies we've been asked to take, and if anyone is interested in adopting please start by completing the questionnaire at

I should mention that the captions aren't mine, so when the first one says that the puppy doesn't like cats much, I'm assuming it means he likes to chase and play with them.  

When I say small sized puppies, I mean those that will grow to be small or small-medium adults, and I need to make that distinction because we are also always being asked to take in larger puppies too, either from AFCD or from individuals.   I have to be honest and say that the puppy situation is at crisis point, for everyone from what I can gather, and that with the Kennedy Town Homing Centre full to bursting with puppies, and more in our Elgin Street Centre and foster homes, we simply don't have anywhere to put newcomers for the time being.  

It honestly breaks my heart that we aren't in a position to say yes to all of the puppies that need help, but as the smaller ones stand a much greater chance of being offered homes I hope that those shown will be similarly lucky.  

There are also mixed breed medium sized adults that are also in need of homes, and I'll start with showing just one of them because I think she is most likely to appeal to potential adopters.  She has a very wise face I think, and I'm sure her character matches that look. 

As always, there is one section of the population that stand out as being completely without morals, compassion or anything else that is good.  These are the breeders, scum of the earth, who make money out of misery and suffering.  For everyone who is contemplating buying a puppy, or has already done so, please take note of the following....

I was asked if we would accept two breeder poodles, a young female (now Dusty), one to two years old but actual age unknown because these dogs aren't licensed,  meaning the breeder is operating illegally.  The other poodle, Dougal,  was a bit older, a white male aged around seven years, but again with no microchip or license.  I should have known that this breeder wouldn't willingly give up dogs that could be turning a profit, and sure enough when they were dropped off at ALCVC and checked over by the vet, the male had a fractured pelvis and the female bi-lateral (both sides) shoulder luxation.   Both dogs will have to see Dr Tony at Acorn for further assessment and hopefully surgery, and once again we need foster homes for them.  Please email Cindy at if you can help.

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