Saturday 4 March 2023

Sat 4th March: A quick round-up

Nettie is incredibly sweet, though not very active

 There's been a huge amount of frustration (on my part) regarding the dogs and puppies at our HKDR@Elgin location, with several homes being offered but then not actually materialising.   Normally the small dogs without any behaviour issues would be adopted in days, but somehow Nacho, Dilly, Teddy and Tawny are still waiting.  Very sweet poodle Nettie is a lot slower than Nacho, and Hetty is still quite shy so finding her the appropriate home is more challenging, but you can see all of their photos and details in an earlier post.

It also took a while to get photos of the puppies (who arrived on 9th February) posted for one reason for another, with the first photo session taking place on the 14th and a second one later, but finally the album has been shared  HKDR Pups @Elgin (thanks to Elena Mathew).  It was because of this that I decided to start taking the puppies out myself, and why I'll be at Whiskers N Paws on Sunday with four of the Elgin Pups for starters.   They'll be joined by many others from foster homes or Kennedy Town, so it's going to be quite an event.

I keep a diary of the arrivals and adoptions next to my computer so I can refer back and see all of the dogs and puppies, when they came and when they left, and I was just reminded that the two puppies Paulie and Pepper (plus Poncho and Pixie), who are featured on Instagram @why_i_foster, came to us from AFCD along with their mother Sugar on 12th January.   They will also be at Whiskers N Paws, and anyone adopting these gorgeous boys will be very lucky.  As a reminder, take a look again at last week's photos of the Puppy Party on the terrace  Puppy Adoption Day 26th Feb 2023.

Away from the Homing Centres there are still many small-medium dogs being cared for on Lamma, some of whom have been with me since they were puppies, and others who came as young adults.  They were chosen to move to a quiet environment either because they were very shy, or because of some behaviour issues, all of which disappear once the pressure of city life and a small space is removed.  There's always the hope that these dogs will eventually find homes, and it has happened before so there's no reason for it not to happen again.   Shiba inu Damson, for example, was very young when she first arrived at HKDR, with typical guarding behaviour which saw her adopted and returned. She's now a very relaxed and easygoing dog, still quite young, and all she wants is to have her tummy scratched.  Although still needing the right kind of home, Damson must surely be on the list for a second chance. 

Also needing second chances and without any behaviour issues, there are plenty of adult dogs waiting at our big Tai Po Homing Centre, far too many to even begin to mention individually.  If you complete the adoption questionnaire the experienced team at Tai Po can suggest those dogs who would be the best match:


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