Friday 24 March 2023

Fri 24th March: Scruffy's big day

Scruffy left Elgin Street today

 Can it really be the weekend again? Apparently so, and for us that means some dogs leaving to start their new lives, including two from our Elgin Street Centre, Scruffy and chihuahua Oreo (although Oreo will actually be leaving on Saturday morning).   There are other adoptions also due to take place from Kennedy Town, Tai Po and foster care, so I'm looking forward to being able to share names and photos. 

The weekend also means the Puppy Party at Whiskers N Paws, of course. although I've been watching the weather forecast and wondering if the usual terrace games are going to be possible if it rains.  If that happens at least the foster puppies will be able to gather at WNP while we'll probably keep the Kennedy Town and Elgin Street youngsters at the Centres.  Let's see. 

You can see three of the foster puppies on Instagram @why_i_foster (Pepper, Paulie and Luke) , plus the two mini border collies Milo and Mindy who were taken in by the same foster.  Both of these mini-collies have homes to go to so I don't need to worry about them. 

Brothers Pepper and Paulie

Fuzzy-faced Archer

Gorgeous fuzzy-faced foster puppies Axel and Archer also have their own Instagram page now @archer_axel_hkdr , and you can meet any of these puppies at their temporary homes by emailing Cindy at 

We're still trying to get by with reduced accommodation for the puppies at Kennedy Town, as the North Street Centre needed some repair work doing and that meant moving everyone out.  Once all the renovation is completed (by next week hopefully), the dogs and puppies that are currently staying at Elgin Street will relocate to 13-19 North Street, as well as some of those who temporarily moved over to the official Kennedy Town Homing Centre in Brilliant Court.  HKDR@Elgin (downstairs) will then become the new Red Dog Centre, plus the non-"Red" poodles and others, as well as the office and store being at street level. If it sounds complicated to you, you can imagine how challenging it's been for us as well, and it's not what we wanted.  

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