Monday, 9 January 2023

Mon 9th Jan: Pay attention peke lovers!

 I'm jumping a day ahead of myself because I'm hoping we'll have adopters or foster homes lined up in advance of these small dogs arriving from AFCD on Tuesday.  They're ex-breeder rejects, and once again I have to say how disgusted I am that dogs with inherited problems are used to produce puppies that will have the same issues.  

Three of these dogs are pekingese, a breed that used to be incredibly popular when I started in the dog rescue "business", but which have fallen out of favour to the extent that we very rarely see any these days.  Two of the pekes have no visible noses meaning they will require surgery to remove the fold of excess skin on their faces, which not only affects their ability to breathe properly but also pushes up into the eyes.  Damage to the eyes is almost inevitable, and one of the pekes already has such problems.  Post-facial fold surgery leaves a dog looking as though it's been in a serious car accident, but the results are definitely worth it.  Here's a story I found online about someone's peke needing the same: (photo on the left)

The fourth dog is a pug, and all dogs are six to seven years old (three pekes and the pug). If you're a fan of these breeds and are interested in adopting, please start by completing the questionnaire at

There are, of course, adult mongrels also coming from AFCD at the same time, and they will go to our Tai Po Homing Centre.  These are the cases that make me saddest of all, because they have hundreds of others to compete with for homes. 

I know it's stating the obvious, but all of the Tai Po adults started off as cute young puppies, some of them not that long ago and a few of them as HKDR babies.  It seems to be a race against time to find good homes for the puppies staying at Kennedy Town, but that doesn't mean that we will let them go to homes that just aren't suitable.  I'm on the receiving end of a lot of angry emails because of this, but it's the puppies we care about and that's will never change.

Rina, Rosie and Roby of the "R" litter


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