Saturday 25 February 2017

Sat 25th Feb: Recruiting Sunday volunteers

Sweet Winter left Tai Po today
There was good news from Tai Po today after what seems like far too long a time, as ex-Stanley Barracks dog Winter was adopted.  I thought it was particularly appropriate given the low temperatures we're experiencing at the moment, and just when I was wondering if spring had come early.  I was even digging through piles of stacked dog bedding looking for small-sized coats that I can put on the puppies on Sunday, something I haven't even had to think about so far this year.
I can't believe Saucer hasn't been adopted yet.  Will it be this Sunday?

We're going to be short of Sunday volunteers this week, and it occurred to me that it was probably time to recruit new helpers for the puppy afternoons at Whiskers N Paws, especially as we will be losing Claudia in the summer when she returns to Germany.  So if there are any (adult) readers who are able and willing to give up their Sunday afternoons to help the puppies please email me at  I would prefer those who can come regularly because knowing the individual puppies is important, as well as being able to recognise regular visitors and potential adopters.  A knowledge of dogs is essential, and experience in puppy care is also helpful. Of course training will be given and I'm always there to help.
Surely it's Wigbert's time to find a home?
Can you volunteer on Sundays?

One of our regular Sunday volunteers, Andrea,  can't come because she will be helping out again at the Pet Fair, and from the posts I saw on Facebook it's been a busy time over the past two days. We've had lots of our ex-HKDR dogs visiting the stand, so please do drop by if you're there.  Sunday is the third and last day and I imagine there will be quite a few bargains to be had towards the end of the show.
We've been busy welcoming visitors at the Pet Show

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