Monday 17 April 2023

Mon 17th April: New dogs, and those still waiting

 I posted on Facebook that we're potentially expecting another large intake of small and small-medium dogs, and although I did receive some photos I don't want to share them yet because in so many cases the dogs that actually arrive aren't the same as those shown.  I should also mention that many of the dogs aren't puppies, in fact probably most of them, because there seems to be a common misunderstanding that "new" means puppy, or at least young adult.  They're only new to us, not to the world.  For what it's worth, the photos I received show a lot of terrier types, poodles, a corgi (not a puppy) and a basset hound, again not a puppy. 

I also need to remind everyone that we still have some lovely small-medium dogs waiting for homes, those that came in previous "drops" and who are still with us at our North Street, Kennedy Town Centre.

Kai is only 10kg, so really quite small

Kai is really quite small even if he looks like a regular size in the photo, and although he only has three legs that doesn't mean he's sick in any way.  He's only a year old and such a sweet boy, so surely someone will want him as part of the family?  His friend is Katie, slightly bigger but still a small-medium size, and she's also only a year old.
Katie is also a very sweet girl

Teddy needs a home please

Teddy is a great little guy, also still young but unfortunately he has a slight heart murmur and a trachea problem which makes him cough when excited.  He loves going out for walks but can't do long hikes, so he needs frequent but shorter outings.

I actually find it hard to believe that poodle Nacho still hasn't found a home, even though so many people have loved and admired him.  I know it's because he's ten years old, but he's a very young dog for his age, healthy, happy and playful.  He loves going out for walks and playing with toys, including chasing a tennis ball.



This young German shepherd will arrive on Tuesday

We were also asked if we could accept a young German shepherd girl, two years old, and apparently very sweet and still puppy-like.  She's been living in a village, as shown in the photo, but her owner passed away so she has nowhere to stay now.  She'll be coming to our Tai Po Homing Centre on Tuesday, so please let us know if you're interested in this lovely dog. 

As always, for all adoption enquiries please start by completing the adoption questionnaire at

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