Sunday 6 November 2022

Sun 6th Nov: A day of surprises - again


 We have some amazing puppies still waiting for homes, the types that people keep sending me photos of telling me how lovely they are.  I say yes, I know, and I also wonder why they haven't been adopted yet, but their day will come.  Sometimes it takes a while for the right family to appear, so in the meantime you can take a look at the photos from today's puppy party Puppy Adoption Day 6th Nov 2022, with thanks once again to Jimmy Tsang for his time and skills. 

Here's what trainer Alice Lau said about Muppet, one of the current Whiskers N Paws resident ambassadors: "My Dream Dog" (brother Mambo is another puppy I keep getting messages about).

How come Muppet is still waiting for a home?!! He is the most gorgeous, adorable puppy with great temperament and a super lovely pink piggy nose🐽
Who wants to be the very lucky adopter?
Go see Muppet (6-month-old boy) at Whiskers n Paws and take him home!!
Mambo is Muppet's brother

Now Gertie, this pretty sausage is only 4 years old

It was a day of incoming rather than outgoing dogs and puppies today, with a long-haired dachshund girl and six puppies (not hers) turning up suddenly in the late afternoon.  The dachshund is only four years old and very pretty, but oh my goodness, her teeth are shocking! It's often the case that small dogs have problems with their teeth at quite an early age, simply because their mouths are too small.  The tiny dogs are especially prone to having dental issues, but the dachshund's heavy tartar and gum disease must also be related to a poor diet of soft food.  Bad teeth and infected gums aren't only painful and very smelly, they lead to serious health issues as the bacteria in the mouth affects the whole system, including the heart. 
Luckily the teeth can be cleaned

Black fluffy girl

The puppies are mixed breed but also very pretty, and they're around three months old. 
The only boy today

Amber, the German shepherd also arrived at our Tai Po Homing Centre, and from her teeth and general appearance she seems to be a relatively young dog, although she has clearly given birth to puppies at some time, and she's inevitably infected with heartworm as well as being very, very thin.  The wound that we knew she had is really pretty horrible, but all of these issues can be dealt with and treated.  The most important thing is that Amber is a very sweet dog, so we would really love her to go to a foster home where she can recover and gain weight and strength.  If you can help, please contact Cindy at 

Before anything else, a tasty meal for Amber

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