Sunday 20 November 2022

Sun 20th Nov: Another surprise arrival


The new "S" litter

Another day, another new litter of puppies, this time with the small-sized mother, but only just.  I'd been asked in the morning if we could accept a mother dog and her six babies, and as they were smaller sized we said yes.  

The four-legged family were due to arrive in the early afternoon, but then came the news that the mother had escaped from the van and had disappeared in the Tung Chung area somewhere.  Luckily the pups are old enough to eat by themselves so they came anyway, and it was only just before seven o'clock in the evening that the message came that the mother had been found, and was on her way.  I checked with the Sunday team at Kennedy Town to see if they were OK to wait, and they agreed (of course).  I'm sure we all wanted to see the reunion of the mother and her youngsters, even if I suspect she's getting tired of them by now.   It was the puppies who were ecstatic to have their mother back, as you can see from the video.  

Stella and her happy pups

From the looks of the puppies their father is a regular mixed breed, probably not particularly small, so we can't be sure of their final adult size.  The mother, now Stella, is obviously small and seems to be very young,  so some of the pups will be her size while others may well be considerably larger.  

As always, if you're interested in adopting please start by completing the adoption questionnaire at

Polina Levin was the volunteer photographer at Whiskers N Paws for the regular Puppy Party, and you can see how much fun everyone had Puppy Adoption Day 20th Nov 2022.  Whatever happens on Sundays one thing is always guaranteed, and that's endless games of chase and wrestling, with very tired but happy puppies at the end of the two hours. 

In friendly play there's always one "victim" 

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