Saturday 19 November 2022

Sat 20th Nov: Adoptions plus this and that

Gorgeous little Caro

Caro, my favourite puppy of the moment, was adopted today so I will have to choose another one to take her place.  There are so many it's really impossible to pick just one, but I have my eyes on the totally gorgeous youngsters currently staying at our HKDR@Elgin location.  Cam and the volunteers have been helping to socialise them as all but one (Freya, the tri-coloured one) were very timid on arrival, and you can see in the video below that there's definite progress.  As for Freya, she's ready to go to a home any time, and she's a real stunner, and very sweet too. 
Caro's sister Carrie was picked up today too

Maddie was quickly chosen

Maddie the Maltese was adopted first thing in the morning, not a surprise as she's young and very sweet.
Scout was so happy to be going home!

Also leaving after a slightly longer stay was Scout the terrier type, and he was so happy to be chosen.  The smile on his face says it all! 


Larissa and Jared are fantastic dogs

I missed mentioning an event that took place today “Giving Thanks Fun-draising” at K11 Musea,  organised by Whiskers N Paws  in support of HKDR. The  event was attended by two of our wonderful Tai Po residents, Larissa and Jared.  They're such easy dogs, happy to attend each and every gathering, as they love the adventure and meeting lots of people.  They should really be in homes by now, and if anyone is looking for the perfect family dog, please do consider one (both?) of this genuinely lovely pair.

I should also have included this month's fantastic food donation from Buddy Bites at our Tai Po Homing Centre. These donations make a huge difference to our massive food costs, with around six hundred hungry mouths to feed.  The kibble comes in a variety of flavours, so there's something for all tastes and dietary needs.  As a reminder every purchase of Buddy Bites, which is delivered directly to your door, means a donation to our HKDR dogs too, so I should also thank all of the Buddy Bites customers for adding to our food store!

Sunday means the Whiskers N Paws Puppy Party, 2pm to 4pm as always, but remember that every day is an adoption day at HKDR.  Our Homing Centres are open every single day from 10am to 6pm so you don't have to wait for a special event or a weekend to roll round if you want to meet any puppies or adult dogs.  Please just remember to start by completing the questionnaire at so we can point you in the right direction to find what you're looking for. 

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