Tuesday 18 July 2023

Tues 18th July: Another new intake

 We had been expecting heavy rain for the day, delaying the move of the three "J" doglets to Tai Po until the weather cleared. However when I got the message that nine new dogs were on their way to Kennedy Town and there was still no rain, I suggested Joey, Jack and Jimmy were sent to the big Homing Centre immediately, because we really needed the extra space.  Photos sent later in the day showed them happily exploring their new surroundings, and I hope they will soon find their new forever homes. 
Joey exploring at Tai Po 

It didn't help that we'd been warned that one of the new arrivals couldn't mix with other dogs, because then we were left with the question of what to do with her.  We weren't even sure of the size before the dogs arrived, so Cindy, our Foster Coordinator, couldn't arrange any temporary home until we knew whether the dog was small, medium or large.  

Sasha was too heavy for the weighing scales 

In the end it turned out that now-Sasha wasn't a large dog as far as height was concerned, but she was seriously overweight, in fact she was too heavy for the scales to even register what she weighed. Sadly we see this a lot with dogs that have behaviour issues, because rather than try to deal with source of the problem in a sensible way, the owners just stop everything except feeding.  The good news was that Sasha is very sweet with humans, and even better, Cindy had secured a foster home so the dilemma of where to put her was temporarily solved.  Incidentally, Sasha looks like a Japanese spitz, or that kind of dog anyway, just in case there is interest in adopting. 

Tabby in foster 

The rest of today's new arrivals were mostly terrier types, all very friendly even if they're urgently in need of a good wash and haircut.  That's a minor problem, as seen with the before-and-after photos of the Havanese, most of whom have settled really well and are ready for adoption.  Tiny Tabby is also looking absolutely lovely following a visit to the groomers, and she's also in a foster home waiting for her lame back leg to be checked by Dr Tony when he gets back from his summer holiday. 
A reminder of Ticket's transformation 

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