Monday 14 March 2022

Mon 14th March: A puppy a day

 One puppy a day seems to be the way adoptions are going at the moment, and I can't say I'm too unhappy about that even if more would be better (of course).  Today it was Nina's big day, and as usual these days there's no adoption photo to share unfortunately, but I'll be posting the at-home photo as soon as I get one. 

Here's another reminder of the available puppies and their locations:

Hong Kong Island:
Kowloon and New Territories:

I said we had no space for any more puppies but then another call for help arrived, and our amazing Foster Coordinator Cindy found two foster homes willing to take a pair each.  Thankfully these aren't newborns, and not even that young, so they should be ready for adoption very soon.  I assume all four pups are from the same litter but I admit they really don't look alike at all.  I suppose that means something for everyone!

I wrote yesterday about how quickly the days are passing, and I was reminded about time flying by today when I had a real scare in the evening.  I'm sure you know that I live with many dogs on Lamma, although I stopped taking in any more after Typhoon Manghut in 2018 destroyed all of the outer buildings where the dogs stayed.  In any case, I think I have enough to take care of as it is.  

Some of the dogs are with me due to bad luck and timing as puppies, others because they were the very timid and really impossible to find homes for.  Griffin, on the other hand, is unlike any other dog I have ever known, being very friendly to everyone, dogs too, under almost all circumstances, but if he's unsure of any situation he turns into a very scary-looking monster.  Things like vet visits are extremely difficult because he doesn't understand why someone is trying to touch him, and he gets upset and ends up having to be sedated.  At home Griffin is the most fantastic dog ever, funny and loving, and with an amazing way of communicating with me.  In other words, he's my best dog. 

Griffin returning from last year's vet visit

Although Griffin sleeps on my bed with me at night, during the day he prefers to stay downstairs. That's his choice and the way he likes it.  This evening, after I had been out all afternoon, I went down to the kitchen to get something and noticed Griffin wasn't in his favourite spot.  I called and searched, although I knew he would never lie anywhere else, and eventually realised that he must not have come back from the daily morning walk.  With a torch in hand I climbed up the wooded hill, following the usual track, and found Griffin in the storm drain where he'd jumped down for a drink of rainwater (still left in the catchwater) and had been unable to get out.  He's fine, but I have to accept that he's getting older now and his leg is hurting so I have to take him to see a vet.  I'm dreading it, even knowing he'll love the boat and van ride, but he'll create such a fuss as soon as the vet tries to check his leg.  Not only that, but I don't want anything to be wrong and to find out that Griffin has a real problem. I really don't want to imagine life without him.

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