Wednesday 26 June 2019

Weds 26th June: A day of sorting

We were told by AFCD that these pretty little dogs were akitas
All of the new dogs and puppies arriving at either of our two Homing Centres had to be sorted and settled, fitting into space that really isn't there but needed to be found.  It's always a dilemma and we all feel the strain and pressure of taking in more when adoptions at this time of year are really slow, but faced with the knowledge that these innocent victims of human irresponsibility would otherwise most likely die, there seems to be no choice.
Gorgeous and sweet Sahara

However I do need to make it clear to everyone who expects us to happily open our doors to all in need of somewhere to stay that it places a huge burden, financial and emotional, on everyone involved.  We all want to save every single dog, but while the pet shops and breeders are churning out puppies for the eager buyers and those same "dog lovers" are at the same time refusing to consider a beautiful mixed breed, it's depressing and frustrating.  Then there are the surrender requests from people who for whatever reason, justified or otherwise, no longer want their dog(s) and think that sending them to a rescue organsation is a reasonable option.
A big smile from new boy Smithy

There's a high burn-out rate in animal rescue work, and indeed high suicide numbers too, and although I'm in no way hinting that anyone I know is heading down that road there isn't a day or night when the stress goes away.  A day off doesn't mean anything more than a day I don't actually go to AFCD or Acorn, it doesn't mean I'm not constantly doing as much as I can to get dogs into good homes, or thinking of ways to make things better for everyone, meaning puppies, adult dogs, staff and volunteers.  I'm acutely aware of the demands made on each and every person who is expected to accept what comes and deal with it.
Big boy Stan and Eva 

I'm also amazed and grateful for the cheerfulness of the staff plus volunteers and the way they love all of the dogs and puppies, and if it wasn't for them HKDR simply wouldn't exist.  I see the photos of the new arrivals and how happy everyone looks, and it makes me smile to know that for as long as they're with us - hopefully not too long - they will be fine.
Sweet new girl Icy with Gigi

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