Thursday 13 June 2019

Thurs 13th June: Waiting for the rain to stop

There's a strange thing happening outside as I'm writing this, a shining yellow globe has appeared in the sky!  However a quick check on the weather forecast tells me that the weekend is going to be rainy again so it's just as well we have two inside venues for our Puppy Afternoons, Concordia Pet Care in Happy Valley on Saturday and Whiskers N Paws on Sunday, both 2pm to 5pm.

One of the young pups at Whiskers N Paws last Sunday
We have a lot of new and young puppies available, with five newbies joining the others today.  I knew there was one puppy at AFCD Pokfulam, but when I went to take him out there were four other young and very sweet pups too.  The singleton is very clearly from the same parents as another brindle puppy we had last year, and because of that I can guess that this new one will also grow to be a big adult, and also a very handsome one.  Remember you can meet these puppies any day of the week at our Ap Lei Chau Homing Centre if your weekends are busy, so there's no day which isn't an adoption "event".
Another youngster waiting for a home

The heavy rain and storms have certainly affected the number of visitors we've been seeing at our Homing Centres, and it's probably not helped by the current political unrest.  However as our Ap Lei Chau Homing Centre is very close to the Lei Tung MTR station on the South Island Line, getting to meet the smaller dogs and puppies is very easy even if you don't have a car.

We also need a constant supply of newspaper for our dogs and puppies to use for their toilet areas, so please keep on collecting and dropping off as and when you can.  All of our puppies, even the very young and tiny babies, know instinctively how to go to the newspaper to relieve themselves, and although many people are amazed to see them do this it's natural behaviour.  The problems with toilet training only come about when puppies are caged so are forced to dirty their own living and eating areas, and it's the reason why at HKDR we ask that cages or crate training are never used.  It's just not necessary to shut a puppy in a cage, and it's completely unnatural.

1 comment:

  1. I have also said many times,if you have a cage, DON'T get a dog!
