Saturday 6 July 2024

Sat 6th July: Hot dogs, and a date to save

 If you're currently in Hong Kong you'll know that it's extremely hot now, and we really need foster homes for some of our Tai Po dogs who live outdoors.  It's a difficult time of year to be asking, as summer is always slow with so many people away, but not only will you be helping the dogs (number one priority of course), but also the staff and volunteers who have to work regardless of the weather.  I can't imagine how difficult it is to be outside all day, and the low volunteer numbers reflect this, meaning even more work for the staff and the dedicated volunteers who turn up regardless.  If you can temporarily offer a space in your home to one of our Tai Po dogs please complete the form at, or just go to the Homing Centre if you are already a registered foster home and have taken dogs from us before. 

I'm sure I don't need to mention that for your own dogs you need to be very careful about walking during the heat of the day, when not only is the air hot but the roads and pavements burning too. Please be sensible, because heatstroke kills very quickly. 

Bessie will be flying to England soon 

We had two lucky dogs leaving our Kennedy Town Homing Centre today, with one, Bessie,  already getting the paperwork completed to fly to England.  The other is an ex-breeder shiba inu, who was already lucky in escaping the horrors of the breeding establishment, and now ready to start a while new life. 
Double lucky Asami 

Gorgeous puppy Tessie 

One puppy that I would dearly love to being home myself (but can't) is Tessie, and she's doing very well in her foster home.  Apart from the foster parents being very patient and understanding, Tessie is also helped by the other little resident dogs, so she just follows their lead.  For the shy dogs and puppies having another dog or dogs in the home makes a huge difference, and for now at least we will only consider letting Tessie if she won't be an only "child" and be living in a busy area. 

Although still right in the middle of summer, we are already well into the planning of autumn and winter events, with the main fundraiser being our famous Peak to Fong walk and street party. We're excited that this year has already seen some big sponsors step forward, which means a guaranteed fantastic event for all participants.  It's still four months away, but you might want to make sure you save the date now to ensure you're free on the day. Peak to Fong 2024 – Sunday 24 November 2024.

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Tues 2nd July: What a difference a home makes!

 I wonder if you remember Yaddle, a skinny puppy with huge ears that came to us in December last year from AFCD.  We didn't know her story but she was a timid girl, so we were thrilled when she was offered a lovely home.  Today I received an update, with a photo of a beautiful young dog, looking so different, healthy and happy.  It was impossible to even recognise it was the same Yaddle, but that's what a loving home can do. 
Yaddle is a beautiful young adult now

Apart from the remaining three young chihuahuas that we still have available, we are also now looking for suitable homes for three young Jack Russell terrier puppies.  Like the chihuahuas they were the result of accidental breeding at home, so I would like to remind everyone that female puppies can come into season as young as five months of age, which is basically the equivalent of a twelve year old girl having a baby.  Both are possible, but not at all desirable from any point of view. 


Whether you're interested in a chihuahua (all boys),  a Jack Russell, or any other dog or puppy, please start by completing the adoption questionnaire at 
Badger (boy)


I was happily surprised at the adoption number for June, as 42 is a lot of lucky dogs for the summer months. 

Labrador Beethoven is still available