Friday 22 November 2019

Fri 22nd Nov: Lots and lots of puppies!

Murphy is a very old grandpa now
It's hard dealing with surrender requests for old dogs, those that have spent their entire lives with their families and who are now being thrown out.  As someone who has, and has had, many old dogs to take care of I fully understand that it can be hard.  There's the same interrupted sleep that comes with having a human baby, often multiple vet visits and medications to buy, so it's a challenge for sure.  However being there for a dog when it needs you the most is part of the deal you agree to when taking in a puppy, and if you can't handle it then please don't even start.

I admit I don't have any patience with such dog owners, as well as having no understanding of how they can be so unfeeling and callous.  It seems that there are many people who assume that dog rescue organisations exist to relieve them of the burden of their senior pets, or as somewhere convenient to dump four-legged family members when they become an inconvenience. 

Adopting (or buying) a puppy is a long-term commitment to a life that depends on you entirely for fifteen years on average.   A dog considers its humans as family, and trusts that they will always be there, a trust that is too often broken.   Allowing children to influence the parents' decision to get a puppy also often means that once the kids are grown up the dog gets thrown out too, so please make sure that it's the whole family that wants to have a dog.

Lots of new puppies have recently come to us
Having said all of that there are happily many wonderful dog parents, those who genuinely do think of their pets as being part of the family, and that's what I'm hoping for when I'm there every Sunday at Whiskers N Paws with the puppies needing homes.  At the moment we have so many and it's not a great time to be a puppy-in-waiting with Christmas coming up, closely followed by Chinese New Year.  These are the little ones who were at last Sunday's afternoon event  Puppy Adoption Day 17 November 2019 - Part 2 and now with a lot of new arrivals it's going to be a packed puppy enclosure for sure.
Poor Romeo's pads are sore and swollen

Our new French bulldog Romeo's story is a sad one, as it seems he has spent years in a cage, standing on hard wire with no bedding or relief.  His poor feet are sore and swollen as a result, so we're having to keep his walks outside to short outings until his pads harden and heal.  Keeping dogs in cages is an abomination as far as I'm concerned and I wish there was a law against it.

With just over a week to go until this year's P2F (now Pulse to Fun) things are looking good for a great day out for both dogs and their humans.  We've got all sorts of activities going on with lots of things to do and buy, and I hope you can come along to enjoy a day of nothing but happiness and fun.  Remember that your T-shirt is your ticket so be sure to wear it on the day!

With thanks to our amazing sponsors listed here

📢Volunteers Wanted for Pulse 2 Fun Next Sunday!!!

Date: 1st December 2019 (Sunday)
Time: 8:00am - 10:30am
Venue: the pulse, Repulse Bay

Task to help with: Event set-ups

Please email Eva at with your name and contact number if you can help. Thank you!

Eat, play, swim at P2F 2019! 

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