Thursday 12 September 2024

Fri 13th Sept: Lots of new faces (and legs/tails)

 I'm late writing my blog today because I had to take one of my Lamma dogs to Acorn in the morning, and thankfully there's nothing serious going on with Blini. 

Anyway I thought I really should post an update because we've had so many dogs coming in, and experience has shown that a lot of people still don't check our website but instead wait for dogs to be posted on our social media pages or here in my blog.  A good example of that was corgi Prissy, who had a lot of interest after her photos were shared on Facebook and Instagram although she had been with us for a while.  She's gone to her new home now, so please consider other dogs instead. 

The dogs are coming from various sources, including four shiba inu today from a breeder.  Two of these are (white) puppies, while the other two are adult females with the typical shiba tan colour. 

The other day we took in three small mixes, and there will be a further three coming today (just arrived) from the same independent rescue group.  One of these is a corgi, with another being what looks like a really pretty puppy. 

Of course we are always taking in new dogs at Tai Po, and these latest arrivals are youngsters from AFCD.  Oh, and a white poodle boy too, around four years old. . 

For all adoption enquiries please take the first step by completing the adoption questionnaire at

Finally, while some dogs quickly find their new homes, there are many others that stay with us for a long time.  Some of these are the larger mixed breeds, but the smaller dogs don't always find it easy for a variety of reasons.  One of these small dogs is a young shiba inu called Kira, who came to us with very bad neurological twitching as a result of puppyhood distemper.  Medication helped, but what had made a huge difference is the dedication of the volunteers who have taken Kira for physiotherapy and swimming to strengthen her muscles, as well as lovely walks and playtimes.  Seeing Kira now is absolutely amazing, and yes, she is the shiba in the video who is not only running around, but also jumping.  Surely someone will want to give this brave and very sweet girl a home of her own? 

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