Saturday 14 September 2024

Sat 14th Sept: Halfway mark, and an amazing holiday opportunity

 It seems incredible that we're already halfway through September, with the Mid-Autumn Festival coming up next week.  Just as a reminder for those of you who don't already know, our Homing Centres in Kennedy Town and Tai Po are open every single day of the year regardless of holidays or typhoons, so you can come to meet the dogs whenever you're free.  

We took in so many new dogs over the past week, all sizes, and while there has already been quite a lot of interest in the smaller ones, potential adopters are waiting for the vet reports when the dogs have been for their routine health checks.  Two of those new arrivals were shiba inus from a breeder, with one of them still dripping milk intended for her puppies.  I can't tell you how much I despise the breeders for their complete lack of care and compassion for the dogs that they use to make money, and with so many dogs and puppies available from animal rescue groups I can't see any reason to buy.  You might have to wait a while if you want a particular breed, but unless it's some rare and exotic type then I'm sure you will find what you're looking for. 

We held our bi-monthly Small Dog Adoption afternoon at Whiskers N Paws today, and although there were no immediate adoptions these events are really to allow people to meet the dogs in an open and spacious setting.   We also received a wonderful donation of treats from 55 Troop of the USA Girl Scouts, so the dogs are going to be very happy. 

On Sunday we'll be back with the puppies, from 2pm to 4pm, although the new arrivals won't be joining until after their health checks.  These are two shiba puppies, Gus and Greta, as well as Ginny and Giselle.  You can meet them any time at our Kennedy Town Homing Centre, but please start by completing the adoption questionnaire at

There was one very special adoption that took place at our Tai Po Homing Centre today, as senior boy Joss was given a rest-of-life home by our long-term volunteer Vivian.  In fact Vivian has been with HKDR since the very beginning, and she's also a Board Member, so she understands what it means to give the old dogs comfort and extra love in their final days. 

If you haven't already seen this fantastic holiday offer on our social media pages, this is your last chance to book.  Not only is this guaranteed to be an amazing safari experience, but you will also be supporting HKDR when you book.

Experience the African savannah in South Africa while helping dogs in need!
Zulu Nyala, an African safari travel company established in 1985, is offering a special 6-night safari package for two at a charitable price of 𝗛𝗞𝗗$𝟮𝟯,𝟰𝟬𝟬. The most important part? 𝟱𝟬% of the price will be donated directly to HKDR! 💌
Zulu Nyala是一家1985年成立的非洲獵遊旅行社,正提供一個特別的6晚獵遊二人套餐,慈善價格為𝗛𝗞𝗗$𝟮𝟯,𝟰𝟬𝟬。而最最最重要是,價錢的𝟱𝟬%將直接捐給HKDR!💌
Package Includes套餐包括:🐆
•6 days/6 nights accommodation at Zulu Nyala Heritage Safari Lodge or in a Safari tent
•6日/6夜住宿於Zulu Nyala Heritage Safari Lodge或Safari帳篷
• 3 delicious buffet meals daily
•Two guided game drives each day in the Zulu Nyala wildlife reserve
•每日2次導賞車遊Zulu Nyala野生動物保護區
• Access to facilities including a pool, bar, gym, and spa
Purchase Deadline: September 15, 2024 ⭐
慈善價格:𝗛𝗞𝗗$𝟮𝟯,𝟰𝟬𝟬 (二人)
Charity Price:𝗛𝗞𝗗$𝟮𝟯,𝟰𝟬𝟬 (for two)
Interested individuals can donate directly to HKDR: and send the receipt to
有興趣的人可以直接捐款給HKDR ,並將記錄發送到
Zulu Nyala will contact you directly to send a confirmation email and booking instructions (the booking period is valid for two years)! 🦁
Zulu Nyala 將直接聯繫你,發送確認電子郵件和預訂旅程的說明 (可以預訂期為兩年)!🦁
✨Check out the 5-star reviews on TripAdvisor:

Thursday 12 September 2024

Fri 13th Sept: Lots of new faces (and legs/tails)

 I'm late writing my blog today because I had to take one of my Lamma dogs to Acorn in the morning, and thankfully there's nothing serious going on with Blini. 

Anyway I thought I really should post an update because we've had so many dogs coming in, and experience has shown that a lot of people still don't check our website but instead wait for dogs to be posted on our social media pages or here in my blog.  A good example of that was corgi Prissy, who had a lot of interest after her photos were shared on Facebook and Instagram although she had been with us for a while.  She's gone to her new home now, so please consider other dogs instead. 

The dogs are coming from various sources, including four shiba inu today from a breeder.  Two of these are (white) puppies, while the other two are adult females with the typical shiba tan colour. 

The other day we took in three small mixes, and there will be a further three coming today (just arrived) from the same independent rescue group.  One of these is a corgi, with another being what looks like a really pretty puppy. 

Of course we are always taking in new dogs at Tai Po, and these latest arrivals are youngsters from AFCD.  Oh, and a white poodle boy too, around four years old. . 

For all adoption enquiries please take the first step by completing the adoption questionnaire at

Finally, while some dogs quickly find their new homes, there are many others that stay with us for a long time.  Some of these are the larger mixed breeds, but the smaller dogs don't always find it easy for a variety of reasons.  One of these small dogs is a young shiba inu called Kira, who came to us with very bad neurological twitching as a result of puppyhood distemper.  Medication helped, but what had made a huge difference is the dedication of the volunteers who have taken Kira for physiotherapy and swimming to strengthen her muscles, as well as lovely walks and playtimes.  Seeing Kira now is absolutely amazing, and yes, she is the shiba in the video who is not only running around, but also jumping.  Surely someone will want to give this brave and very sweet girl a home of her own? 

Monday 9 September 2024

Mon 9th Sept: Lots of catching up to do

 Starting with the Puppy Party at Whiskers N Paws on Sunday, and the double adoption of  brothers Biggles and Bentley, a lovely surprise.  The photographer for the afternoon was our great friend Jimmy Tsang, and here's the full album Puppy Adoption Day 8th Sep 2024. The names will be added soon if you're interested in adopting, and in case you're wondering the just-vacated space following the adoption has already been filled by two new puppies, Posy and Potter. 

They came to us from AFCD, as did a senior Malamute who went straight to her new home.

Another adoption was that of Quentin, a lovely young boy who had been with us since he was a very young puppy, graduating from Kennedy Town to Tai Po before being chosen to go to his new home where he joins another ex-HKDR dog. 

Young bichon Tucker has also found his forever family, while little terrier type Kiki and shiba inu Kimi have also moved out.  We need the space created by adoptions for the non-stop arrivals of newcomers, which will include a poodle from AFCD and three other small dogs from another source on Tuesday.  I'll share details of them after they're with us, and there will be yet another three following on from these later in the week. 

For all adoption enquiries please start by completing the questionnaire at 

Following on from my last blog post where I wrote about the changes that have taken place in disparate the band of  Lamma dogs, I was taken by surprise to see yet another very timid dog venturing out.  Sarah came to us while we were still at the Centre in Ap Lei Chau along with her two very young puppies, and while they were quickly adopted Sarah was so scared of everyone and everything that she just hid in a corner.  When we left Ap Lei Chau and the office dogs were moved to Lamma, Sarah continued to hide whenever anyone was around.  Although her behaviour improved to a certain extent, she still kept her distance when treats were being handed out, and only took them from the ground rather than accepting from a hand.  She's obviously been watching as the other dogs have been going out with me every day, and today she made the bold decision to join them, at least for part of the way.  It's taken years, but maybe this is the start of a whole new life for this beautiful girl. 

Saturday 7 September 2024

Sat 7th Sept: It's never too late for a dog to learn

 It's funny how things happen without any planning or intention, and I'm lucky in that I've been able to adapt my life and schedule to accommodate such changes.  What I'm talking about is my new group of walking companions after all but one of the older dogs retired, or died.  Some of these "new" dogs have been at HKDR for years, initially living at our then-Ap Lei Chau Homing Centre as office dogs, while others came to Lamma later when they were too shy, or just couldn't cope with the small Kennedy Town situation.  Now they stay in their own house with a very large garden area, so they have always had the space and freedom to roam, or do whatever they wanted to other than leave the compound. 

When I first decided to start walking them, I chose Hetty and Simone to come with me, and they were soon joined by the two young brothers, Lennox and Lewis.  Then one by one others wanted to come along, at first just for a short way along the path, then later for the entire walk.  Alicia, for example, had been one of the Ap Lei Chau group, and had later suffered paralysis in her back legs, which she recovered from even though she walks quite stiffly.  Gumbo, Piggy and Alex were also from the same office group, while Florence has been with me since she was a very scared puppy.  Corgi Boomer (Bubu) came as a very timid young corgi who had never been for a walk in his life, while little Theo was even more timid when he arrived.  

Now my merry band are always waiting for me with excitement, dashing out as soon as I open the gate.  They are all ages, small to medium sized, and completely different in looks and everything else. The reason for me writing about them is that I want to stress that it's never too late for a dog to learn, and they're never too old to enjoy going out, even if it's just to explore and sniff all the interesting smells.  It's given me tremendous joy too, to see them so happy and having so much fun, and I'm only sad that for some they have missed out on their younger years. 

Back to the Homing Centre dogs, I was very happy to see another one of our Tai Po girls being adopted. this time Emma.  The same applies to our Homing Centre residents as the Lamma dogs I've just written about, and I know that once they have settled and adjusted to their new lives, it will open up a whole new world for them.

Kara was the Kennedy Town dog who was also adopted today, while two others were taken for a trial to see if they can both stay (no names yet as usual).  We had some other potential adopters coming to meet the dogs, and I think (hope) that Sunday will see more leaving.

Of course we also have our Puppy Party taking place on Sunday at Whiskers N Paws, so you can go along to meet all of the hopefuls from 2pm to 4pm.  Please remember to complete the adoption questionnaire in advance if you haven't already done so, and you can find it at

Thursday 5 September 2024

Thurs 5th Sept: A quickly passing typhoon

 I wasn't surprised that the two bichon frise girls were quickly adopted, as there had been a lot of interest in them even though they're five years old.   So now with Miffy and Mimsy off the available list, I'm expecting the younger boy Tucker to be leaving pretty soon too.  In fact I don't know why he hasn't already been adopted. 

There have also been some enquiries about the pair of golden retrievers that will soon become homeless. Understandably most potential adopters want to foster first, or have a trial, but in these situations it's not possible,  because if for any reason it doesn't work out the dogs will have nowhere to go except the Tai Po Homing Centre.  

As much as we do what we can to make life as good as it's possible to be under the circumstances, the Tai Po site is a very scary place for most new arrivals as there are literally hundreds of dogs staying there, and during the week just a handful of staff and a few volunteers to take care of them.  For older dogs who have previously been staying in a home, it can be traumatising, and in general most dogs just do what they can to cope with this kind of life.  It means shutting off and closing down their natural behaviour, and it's only once they are settled in new homes again that we see their full personalities blossom again.  People who want to surrender their dogs to us seem to have no idea of what they're going to be subjecting their dogs to, having some fantasy in their minds of a sweet temporary place to stay until another home is quickly found.  The reality is that most mixed breed adults will never find a new home, however hard we try to promote them. 

For those dogs that are lucky enough to be popular breeds, like the two bichon frise girls, there's also the again understandable request from potential adopters that they wait until the dogs have been to the vet for a health check.  We had actually arranged for this to be done in the afternoon, before the now-adopter took both dogs and said she would arrange their vet appointment herself.  So the other would-be adopters who had already met Miffy and Mimsy and liked them have missed out.  Our Homing Centres are always so full that if a good home is offered immediately, then we don't hold any dogs for other potential adopters. 

There was another lovely adoption today, and the fact that it was a senior made it all the more heartwarming.  This was a ten year-old bulldog, who has joined another ex-HKDR bulldog (Norton) in his home, and both seem to be happy with the situation. 

With the weekend approaching and the typhoon having quickly passed, I hope that we'll be seeing a lot more dogs being adopted (I know, I always have the same hope).  If you're interested, please start by completing the questionnaire at Thank you. 

Wednesday 4 September 2024

Weds 4th Sept: Incoming Typhoon

 I had to make a dash over to Hong Kong Island today to make sure I had enough provisions in case of the incoming typhoon lasting longer than a couple of days, so I'll be sticking close to home until it's safe to venture out again.  Just as a reminder, our Homing Centre stay open throughout the year and every single day regardless of the weather or any Public Holidays, so even if there's a T10 we'll have some staff and hardy volunteers making sure the dogs are OK and taken care of. 

The surrender requests continue to pour in on a daily basis, and the truth is I feel terrible for the dogs but usually less so for their owners.  However many of these dogs don't even have owners or homes, they're often dogs that have settled into a situation that's semi-secure, being fed by - for example - construction site workers, and then they find themselves becoming homeless when the work has ended. We've been asked to take four such dogs that were being looked after by company staff, but now the business is relocating and of course they can't take the dogs with them. 

Then there's the pair of golden retrievers whose family are moving into "No Dogs" accommodation, so they too are soon going to be homeless.  At least being a very popular breed I feel confident that they'll find a new home fairly easily, but they're also seniors. 

The two bichon frise and two shiba inu puppies arrived at Kennedy Town first thing today, and we had a potential adopter for one of the puppies already waiting.  He had previously adopted a shiba from us, so we were confident that this was a suitable home.  We also had potential homes for the bichon girls, but in both cases a vet visit was needed before adoption as they're five years old and haven't been well cared for.  It's the usual case of dirty teeth and a suspicious lump, but we'll wait for the Acorn report to see what's what. 

I'd missed reporting on one Tai Po adoption, that of Mavis, one of the many lovely mixed breed dogs that stay at our big Homing Centre.  Every one of these adoptions are special, maybe because they're pretty rare.

I case you didn't receive our Newsletter, here's an update of everything we have planned for the next few months:

Every Day is an Adoption Day!

Dear HKDR Supporter,

Now that the summer is almost over and we head into the final quarter of 2024, this is the time when we prepare for the busiest season of the year. You will see from the events shown that we have lots of options for you to offer your support, some which include dogs and others which are just for you.  Whichever you choose, the end result is the same, as it means contributing to HKDR and our lovely dogs. 

With every year that passes it seems to become harder to raise the vital funds needed, so I hope you will be able to support us in any way that you can, whether that means attending events, joining the Life Saver Club as a sponsor, adopting (of course), fostering, or even just collecting newspaper which we're always in need of. Everyone can help in one way or another, and if you can share this information with friends, neighbours and work colleagues, please do. 

Every dog or puppy that comes through our doors at HKDR is promised a home for life if needed, although we hope that won't be necessary of course. Inevitably not every dog will be lucky, but we can guarantee love and care for every dog's lifetime. 

Please help us to continue our work so that we can save as many more lives as possible, and no amount is too small to make a difference.

On behalf of all of the dogs, thank you.

Best regards,

Sally Andersen

Founder & CEO

TOP DOG - Beethoven!

4 years old Labrador boy - Beethoven

Beethoven is eager to explore the world. He is active, playful and friendly. Please complete the adoption questionnaire as the first step if you can provide him a loving home.

HKDR Flag Day on 12 October 2024

Volunteer recruitment

We’re recruiting volunteers to join us on Flag Day. This is a wonderful opportunity for individuals, families, and groups to get involved! You’re welcome to bring your dog companions too!

The funds raised from Flag Day will directly support over 600 dogs under our care!

Sign Up

Gold Flag Set

We are delighted to partner with artist Nori (IG: Nori_illustration) to create wonderful graphics for this year’s Flag Day. The theme is “Miracle Dogs”, showcasing 6 dogs who have triumphed over life-threatening situations to become living miracles!

Join us creating more miracles! By donating $380 through the form below, you will receive a set Gold Flag, including a limited edition of "HKDR x Nori" keychain and phone strap.

Order Gold Flag Set

August Adoption Number - 32!

32 lucky boys and girls who won the adoption lottery this month. Thank you adopters!

Limo (Multibreed)

Pluto (Multibreed puppy)

Potato (Multibreed puppy)

Chloe (Multibreed)

Pomelo (Multibreed)

Almond (Multibreed)

Paddington (Alaskan Malamute)

Ricky (Chihuahua)

Ranger (Chihuahua)

Alfie (Poodle)

August (Shetland Sheepdog cross)

Tingle (Multibreed)

Polo (Poodle)

Archie (Poodle)

Nesta (Multibreed)

Tilly (Multibreed)

Tessa (Multibreed)

Holly (Terrier cross)

Jilly (Bichon Frise)

Annie (Multibreed)

Minty (Multibreed puppy)

Impi (Multibreed puppy)

Penny (Multibreed)

Murray (Terrier cross)

Brodie (Multibreed puppy)

Storm (Siberian Husky)

Muffin (Terrier cross)

Lava (Siberian Husky)

Thunder (Siberian Husky)

Ritzy (Multibreed)

Wiska (Terrier cross)

Our Forever Dogs:

Doris (Lamma)

Santa (Lamma)

Puppy Girl (Lamma)

Constance (Tai Po)

Rescued Dogs (Total: 33)

From AFCD: 10

From other sources: 23

Upcoming Adoption Events!

Our lovely dogs are looking forward to meeting you! Mark the calendar, so you won't miss the chances.

Upcoming Events

HKDR Charity Market @ The ONE

This will be a fantastic opportunity to showcase your brand while supporting a great cause.

If you are interested, please contact for information and details.

Join Us

 HKDR x Bonnie Pang 2025 Desk Calendar

The recruitment of dog models and early-bird orders for the "HKDR x Bonnie Pang 2025 Desk Calendar" has been completed. The sale will be launched at the end of September. Please stay tuned for more updates!

Safari package fundraising

Zulu Nyala are offering a special 6-night safari package for two people at discounted price of HKD$23,400, with half of that going directly to HKDR, supporting the 600 dogs under our care.

Purchasing period: 15 Aug to 15 Sep 2024

Join Now

HKDR x Egive "Life Saver Club"

The "Life Saver Club" aims to help raise funds for basic food and medical needs of the dogs. You can donate here on our website:

For $400HKD, you will be helping with two months of food costs for one dog at the shelter.

For $800HKD, you will be supporting the basic medical needs and any emergency expenses of one dog at the shelter.

All donations fully go to HKDR and their lovely dogs without any extra admin fee. Please consider donating to this great cause and help support HKDR.

Tax-deductible receipts available for donations $100HKD or above, please WhatsApp us at +852 61230321 or email us at with your full name and donation proof.

Read More

One-off Donation Methods

Crossed Cheque

Please make your crossed cheque payable to "Hong Kong Dog Rescue Limited" and send it to Shop 4, G/F, Cheong Yue Mansion, 13-19 North Street, Kennedy Town

Bank Transfer/Faster Payment System (FPS)

Bank : HSBC

Account Name: Hong Kong Dog Rescue Limited

Account Number: 741-263776-838

FPS ID: 0374595




August, 2024

Sunday 1 September 2024

Sun 1st Sept: New month, new puppies, new dogs

 There's no such thing as a weekend off in the world of dog rescue and re-homing, and it was as busy as ever today with visitors to the Homing Centres, as well as Whiskers N Paws for the puppy party. Eric Tang was there to record the debut of the most recent litter of Rain Babies, the foundlings rescues after the heavy rain a month ago, and due to a scheduling mix-up, another long-term regular was also there and Jimmy Tsang's set of photos will be uploaded later today.  Both were able to photograph the adoption of Carly, a very lucky girl, and here's Eric's set:  Puppy Adoption Day 1st Sep 2024.

You may notice that there are only three Rain Babies shown, and that's because the foster parent of the other two has joined the Failed Foster Club, meaning they will be staying forever. 

The little black pom Juniper also had her lucky break with a trial adoption to see how she and the resident dog get along.

The main reason that I'm writing my blog today after having shared one only yesterday, is that I wanted to mention some new dogs and puppies that should be coming to us on Tuesday.  There are two female bichon frise (both five years old), and two white shiba puppies, five months old.  All are apparently in good health and condition, but we'll wait to see when they arrive.  As always, please complete the questionnaire if you're interested in adopting, but bear in mind that we will review all applications to see which are the most suitable, as not all homes are. The form is at

I'm also happy to share the list of lucky dogs for August, all thirty two of them.  We have included Wiska, although she is still in a (lovely) foster home waiting for her flight to the USA in October.

Tai Po Homing Centre
Limo (Multibreed)
Pluto (Multibreed puppy)
Potato (Multibreed puppy)
Charcoal (Siberian Husky)
Chloe (German Shepherd)
Pomelo (Multibreed)
Almond (Multibreed)
Paddington (Alaskan Malamute)

Kennedy Town Homing Centre
Ricky (Chihuahua)
Ranger (Chihuahua)
Alfie (Poodle)
August (Shetland Sheepdog cross)
Tingle (Multibreed)
Polo (Poodle)
Archie (Poodle)
Nesta (Multibreed)
Tilly (Multibreed)
Tessa (multibreed)
Holly (Terrier cross)
Jilly (Bichon Frise)
Annie (Multibreed)

Whiskers N Paws
Minty (Multibreed puppy)
Impi (Multibreed puppy)
Penny (Multibreed)
Murray (Terrier cross)

Foster Homes
Brodie (Multibreed puppy)
Storm (Siberian Husky)
Muffin (Terrier cross)
Lava (Siberian Husky)
Thunder (Siberian Husky)
Ritzy (Multibreed)
Wiska (Terrier cross)

Our Forever Dog
Doris (Lamma)
Santa (Lamma)
Puppy Girl (Lamma)
Constance (Tai Po)

Rescued Dogs (Total: 33)
From AFCD: 10
From other sources: 23