Saturday 3 June 2023

Sat 3rd June: Saturday at Whiskers N Paws

 One thing that I would like to mention (again) is that everyone at HKDR has a full time job to do, and we don't have anyone specifically employed to reply to emails, Facebook messages or phone calls.  Usually I'm the one who acts as first responder, but on days like today when I was at Whiskers N Paws wearing my HKDR Volunteer T-shirt (along with Cindy and Catherine), I had no time to check anything, so apologies for late or no replies. 

You can see how big Byron is in his adoption photo

It was the first time I had seen several of the dogs in person, certainly the new arrivals, and I was surprised at the size of the latest group.  They're all much bigger than I had expected, so to all of those asking about Branston as a Yorkshire terrier type I think you'd change your mind pretty quickly!


Dylan the Lhasa Apso is a small dog, as is Jolene, and while I had initially thought she was a Scottie, post-haircut I could see she was really Hairy Maclary. (If you don't know these books, there's a series of them and they're very popular). 


Iris and the team at Kennedy Town had been busy grooming the dogs before they made their appearance at Whiskers N Paws, and there were a few dramatic before-and-after reveals.  As some of you may remember, Iris used to be a professional groomer so these are no amateur haircuts.

Now-pretty Blythe

You'll be wondering who, if any, were adopted today other than Byron, so I'll start with two puppies, one being shy and small Parker, and the other Aspen (photo to come).

Cute, small and shy Parker


All of the others were taken for short trials due to there being already resident dogs, so Branston, Brody and Breezy will hopefully not be coming back.
Breezy didn't have time for a haircut

Sunday is another Whiskers N Paws day, this time for puppies of course, and these are the foster pups that will be joining for the event, 2pm to 4pm.  All others can be seen any day at our Kennedy Town Centres, either North Street or Brilliant Court.  I should mention that Avia, who was also at the event on Saturday, is a small puppy who will be a small adult when fully grown. On top of that she's very cute, and really a great little character. 

Not to end the day without another drama, older puppy Vera had to be rushed to Concordia Pet Care for emergency surgery, which included a spay, so at least that's over and done with.  Vera's fine and will be back at the Homing Centre very soon. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to Iris for the dogs transformations with their amazing new haircuts!!! Fantastic! XXX
