Wednesday 5 July 2017

Weds 5th July: The weekend's activities WILL take place

I had to time everything today based on what the weather was doing, trying to dodge the sudden blackness and downpours and fit in any outdoor activities when the sun came out.  My half-paralysed dog, Bali, needed to have his hair shaved and a good wash, both of which I was able to do before taking him outside to sit in the sun with me while I did some gardening (hedge trimming), but after only a few minutes the weather changed completely and I had to scramble to get inside.  I don't know how much longer Bali has before his life becomes too miserable to carry on, but for now his mind is active, and he still enjoys riding in the buggy as far as I can manage to push him before the hills and wooded terrain make it impossible.

Having so many dogs to take care of, all of them with different characters and needs, is a full time job in itself and age isn't always a factor as quite a few of the dogs are thirteen or fourteen and still going strong. Today's emergency case was Rory, a young dog who had to be sent to Acorn with some kind of acute gastroenteritis that required immediate treatment, but thankfully he seems to be doing OK.

The weather - and the summer holidays - is also affecting everything else, and apart from the routine of caring for the dogs at the Homing Centres it's been very quiet.  Some dogs are being adopted thankfully, but they are the more obvious ones like the lovely Doberman and tiny Mandy Maltesy but I am ever hopeful that the weekend will see more dogs leaving during the dry spells.

This weekend's Yoga for All session will take place regardless of whether it's raining or not, and by now everyone must be used to getting wet anyway. Pure Yoga Official Page

Yoga for Dog Lovers
Everyone Welcome!
8 July, 10:30am – 12:30pm
West Kowloon Cultural District – North Lawn with Angela Lohse

Join us this coming Saturday for our Yoga for Dog Lovers outdoor event. Enjoy a 1-hour practice while your furry friends play on the lawn in the West Kowloon Cultural District.

Expect some games/raffles and photo booths with your friends and pets, plus tips on how to train your dog after the class. Things are looking exciting. See you all there. Bring your own mat, towel and water.

Donate online:
All proceeds will be used to support Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR).

Please click “Going” on the Event Page to join:

Please also note that this Sunday's Whiskers N Paws puppy afternoon will also include the Raffle Draw at 2pm, and there will be refreshments laid on for everyone.  If the weather is bad we'll still be there, as we can be inside with the puppies instead of on the terrace.  Raffle tickets can be bought up until the draw takes place so you won't miss out if you come early.

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