Sunday, 8 December 2024

Sun 8th Dec: When coming back is the best thing

 December is like the summer when it comes to adoptions, because holidays are coming up and so many people are planning to head off to other countries and don't want to bring a new dog home.  That's understandable of course, and quite right, but it's still frustrating when there are so many gorgeous little girls and boys at our Kennedy Town Homing Centres, still waiting for their special day.  Not everyone leaves Hong Kong for Christmas and New Year, so for those of you who will be staying, the holiday period could be just the right time to adopt.  I've been raiding volunteer Harryn's Facebook page again for some photos, and you can also check the full list of available small dogs here  Small dogs available for adoption (Kennedy Town- Dec2024) .

At least Yorkie puppy Devon left with her new family, and she has another ex-HKDR dog to teach her how things work in the home.  

Another new dog arrived at our Tai Po Homing Centre today, one I'd briefly mentioned in my last post but held back on the details until she was actually with us.  This girl was adopted from HKDR as a young puppy, and as always our trainer, Cactus, followed up with the offer of free help and support, as well as the basics that would need to be done, such as vaccinations and licensing, as well as desexing later on.  What we subsequently found out was that nothing was done, and that the adopter was frequently out of Hong Kong and would just pass the dog to anyone during these periods.  As a result Ruffle became very insecure and frightened, never knowing where she would be living or with whom.  We know that some of these "homes" were not nice either, and in the end the adopter contacted a vet to have Ruffle killed.  The vet was also an adopter of two HKDR dogs, so knowing that Ruffle had come from us we were asked if we would accept her back, and of course the answer was yes. 

As much as we're always hoping for new forever homes for our dogs, in Ruffle's case coming to Tai Po was the best thing that had happened to her in her life, because we can start again and show her that people can be kind, and that she has nothing to be afraid of.  Hopefully it won't take too long before she will start to enjoy play with other dogs, and the attention of staff and volunteers. 

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