Tuesday 15 October 2024

Weds 15th Oct: So many small and medium-sized dogs!

 We've just posted a "catalogue" of our current small and medium-sized dogs on Facebook 

Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR) , and no sooner had that been done when we were told there were more on the way.  One of these is a larger-sized chihuahua, meaning big for the breed but still only 5 kilos in weight, and three others from the independent rescue group that we get so many of our dogs from.

The beagles have been very popular, but as we were having trouble getting a vet appointment for them all, potential adopters have been holding back.  However we were told that the beagles were fully vaccinated (but with no actual record to show), and have been desexed, so as they're still young we don't anticipate any nasty surprises when they have their health checks on Friday.  That means if you're really keen to adopt I suggest you don't wait, because you might end up being disappointed.

The smaller dogs stay at our two Kennedy Town Centres, but this coming Saturday we'll also be holding an adoption event at the nearby Blotto Bar from 2pm to 4pm.  

We also took in two border collies at out Tai Po Homing Centre, Ruby and Rover, and although they're not young dogs this breed is very popular. 

Remember to complete the questionnaire as a first step in the adoption process, and you can find it at www.hongkongdogrescue.com/adopt/adoption-questionnaire/. 

Almost all dog families have experienced the loss of their beloved companion, and it's a very sad time of course.  Today I was sent a message about one such dog, with a lovely memory of Sadie by her then-14 year-old human "sister".  I get many messages about the passing of adopted dogs that I have known in the past, so thank you to everyone for letting me know. 

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