Thursday 17 October 2024

Thurs 17th Oct: Events and adoptions

 It seems a lot of people are interested in the beagles that are currently staying at our Kennedy Town "intake" Centre in North Street, and they will have their vet checks on Friday afternoon and will be ready to go after that.  For their sake it will be good to see them in homes, because our Centre is small and beagles need more than we can offer. 

We also have the three new medium-sized dogs, as well as little terrier Scampi, also booked to see a vet on Friday, so everyone will be available for adoption in time for the weekend, and our mini adoption event at the nearby Blotto Bar in Kennedy Town.   Of course our Homing Centre is open every single day from 10am to 5pm so you don't need to wait for any special day or event to meet the dogs, but sometimes a change of venue is fun. 

Another upcoming event will take place at Whiskers N Paws on Sunday 27th October, with proceeds being donated to HKDR.  This means you can combine meeting the puppies with joining the event, or just come along with your own dog to enjoy the fun and have your photo taken. 

One doglet who won't be back at WNP for the regular Sunday Puppy Party, 2pm to 4pm, is Flora.  Yes, after a long wait this beautiful girl has had her adoption confirmed, and she is now sister to ex-HKDR lookalike "brothers" Ronnie and Reggie. 

Also adopted from our Tai Po Homing Centre was Hunter, who started off at Kennedy Town but really needed the space at Tai Po.  

Dorina the Doberman also found her forever family after returning from her foster home, so we're very happy about that of course as Dorina is such a sweet lady. 

Sales of our Peak to Fong Sponsored Walk and Street Party T-shirt/tickets will launch very soon, and I love this year's design.  We're currently accepting applications to join the street event as a vendor, so if you have a product you want to share with hundreds of dog lovers, please email for information. 

Sponsor a Booth at Peak to Fong - the biggest fundraising walkathon for dog lovers in town! ðŸŽª

We still have some booth spots available in LKF for Peak to Fong on November 24th this year. We also welcome sample products for our Goodies items. We look forward to including more kind-hearted businesses and sponsors to support our event for a great cause! Please email us if you are interested in sponsoring the event.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Corporate teams are also welcome to join the walk as a group and have a chance to win amazing prizes! Sign up now!

📧 Email or DM us for more sponsorship details!

🌟T-shirts ticket sale will be launched next week. Please stay tuned!
#hkdrP2F2024 #PeakToFong2024 #HKDR

Tuesday 15 October 2024

Weds 15th Oct: So many small and medium-sized dogs!

 We've just posted a "catalogue" of our current small and medium-sized dogs on Facebook 

Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR) , and no sooner had that been done when we were told there were more on the way.  One of these is a larger-sized chihuahua, meaning big for the breed but still only 5 kilos in weight, and three others from the independent rescue group that we get so many of our dogs from.

The beagles have been very popular, but as we were having trouble getting a vet appointment for them all, potential adopters have been holding back.  However we were told that the beagles were fully vaccinated (but with no actual record to show), and have been desexed, so as they're still young we don't anticipate any nasty surprises when they have their health checks on Friday.  That means if you're really keen to adopt I suggest you don't wait, because you might end up being disappointed.

The smaller dogs stay at our two Kennedy Town Centres, but this coming Saturday we'll also be holding an adoption event at the nearby Blotto Bar from 2pm to 4pm.  

We also took in two border collies at out Tai Po Homing Centre, Ruby and Rover, and although they're not young dogs this breed is very popular. 

Remember to complete the questionnaire as a first step in the adoption process, and you can find it at 

Almost all dog families have experienced the loss of their beloved companion, and it's a very sad time of course.  Today I was sent a message about one such dog, with a lovely memory of Sadie by her then-14 year-old human "sister".  I get many messages about the passing of adopted dogs that I have known in the past, so thank you to everyone for letting me know. 

Sunday 13 October 2024

Sun 13th Oct: Mid-October catch-up

 While Wiska is settling into her new home in the USA, one of our senior Tai Po dog Scrunch was adopted today and will be flying off to her new home in Canada tomorrow.  It's lovely to know that HKDR alumni are spread far and wide all over the world, and these lucky dogs are going to have the best life.

We're urgently in need of foster homes (as always), both for puppies and for dogs like poodle Otto who has the typical wobbly knees so common in small dogs. We can't really go ahead with the surgery until Otto has somewhere to stay where he won't get knocked and jumped on by playful friends, so please fill in the foster form at if you can help.   

One big favour I need to ask is that you only offer if you are serious and can genuinely take a dog or puppy, because we do get a lot of offers that are withdrawn at the last minute.  I think it's a case of wanting to help and then realising it's not a good idea, but the result is that we're left holding the "baby".  Often we will only agree to take puppies if we have foster homes lined up, so it's really difficult to be let down at the last minute.  

On Saturday a selection of our smaller dogs enjoyed the afternoon at Whiskers N Paws Small dogs Adoption day 12th Oct 2024, while it was the turn of the puppies on Sunday as always (photos to follow).  I'd missed mentioning that two puppies were adopted from our Kennedy Town Homing Centre on Friday, in case you were wondering where Perrin and Phoebe were.  They're already enjoying their new life together and having lots of fun playing. 

We've also been asked to take in a sweet senior Yorkie, another popular breed, so if you're able to help please complete the adoption questionnaire at


Friday 11 October 2024

Fri 11th Oct: Flag Day, Adoption Day, and everything else

 Just as a reminder, we have our regular bi-monthly Small Dog Adoption Party at Whiskers N Paws, Horizon Plaza, on Saturday, from 2pm to 4pm, so if you're looking for a small or medium-sized dog to join your family you can enjoy meeting them there.  Please complete the questionnaire in advance so we know what you're looking for, and you can find it at 

Not all of the dogs can attend, of course, as we have so many, and the most recent arrivals will stay at our Kennedy Town Centres until we've been able to get them to Acorn for their health checks.  This includes the five beagles (all boys) that came on Thursday, along with the lovely little terrier girl Scampi.

Also new to HKDR, we took in a very friendly labrador girl today, and she's at our Tai Po Homing Centre, 6 Shek Lin Road.  We have called her Joy, so again please start by completing the questionnaire if you're interested in adopting. 

Another reminder that today is our Flag Day, and the volunteers will be out on the streets from early morning until midday, so please look out for them and donate.  

Monday 7 October 2024

Mon 9th Oct: Lots of lucky dogs

 I had an early start to the day because I had to take one of my Lamma dogs to Acorn for what turned out to be a quick and simple issue thanks to Dr Tony.  I'm never sure how my dogs are going to react to being out and about when they live a very quiet and isolated life, and luckily Olivia was very well behaved and brave.

Meanwhile it was very busy at the Kennedy Town Homing Centre, and several dogs left to start their new lives. Ocean was the first to leave, having already been chosen on Sunday, and her adoption was followed by Piper and then Google, a senior cocker spaniel who had been with us for some time.  Lastly it was corgi Penny's turn, so a good day's results.

Sunday's Puppy Party was also lots of fun for the puppies, with Dimple being the lucky winner of a lovely home and one other older puppy-now-doglet being offered a trial with the two existing ex-HKDR dogs (who look very similar).  I won't mention the name yet just in case it doesn't work out, but our fingers are tightly crossed.  Jimmy Tsang was our photographer for the afternoon, and as always his photos are wonderful: Puppy Adoption Day 6th October 2024.

We have been working on the upcoming Peak to Fong event for months now, and for those of you who don't know what this is, it's our big fundraising event of the year which always takes place in November.  As an established event which draws dog families from all over Hong Kong to enjoy a fantastic day out, this year is also going to be a day to remember, with another T-shirt to add to the collection.  If you haven't already marked the day in your calendars, it's Sunday 24th November, and keep your eyes open for the announcements regarding the T-shirt sales, as these are the tickets to the event.  If you've been to any of our previous P2F events you'll know that this is something no dog will want to miss, or their humans. 

This coming Saturday 12th October we'll be holding our Flag Day sales on the streets, so please take a minute to stop and donate when you see the volunteers out and about.  Like Peak to Fong, Flag Days take months of preparation, including submitting the official applications a year in advance, as well as the design and production of the "flags" (stickers), and recruitment of volunteers for the day itself.  

With almost no support from the government, HKDR relies on our own fundraising initiatives to be able to function, and it's an ongoing struggle to keep enough coming in to be able to help the dogs who have no home.  Now more than ever we need your support, as economic troubles are hitting charities like HKDR hard, and every day we face the prospect of losing everything.  Whether it's just dropping some money into the bag on Flag Day, joining our Life Saver Club or supporting our fundraising events, you can make a difference.  Please go to to see how you can help. 

Saturday 5 October 2024

Sat 5th Oct: Wiska's big day

 It's been a long wait, but finally Wiska is on her way to her new life in Canada.  Luckily she found a wonderful foster home for the months that it took to get her on a flight, so she's going to be fully ready for her new family who have been waiting patiently for her arrival.  

The weather is perfect right now for walks with the dogs, although sadly for me (and probably many others) the beaches are full of the worst rubbish, from polystyrene boxes, plastic water bottles and mountains of dead fish.  I never understand why the dogs love the rotten fish so much given their amazing sense of smell, but I spend my time trying to keep them away - and not always successfully.

Two of the recent arrivals at Kennedy Town have already left with their new families, the first being little pom Oona, followed by older puppy Opal. 

We still have so many other small and medium-sized dogs and puppies waiting, and you can meet all of the puppies at Whiskers N Paws on Sunday, from 2pm to 4pm, including those that are staying in foster homes. 

The adults are at our Kennedy Town Homing Centre, Shop 4 Brilliant Court, Sai Hong Lane, 28 Praya Kennedy Town, and we open every single day of the year from 10am to 5pm for visitors.  Just please make sure you have completed the adoption questionnaire in advance if you're interested in meeting them, and you can find it at

Of course our big Homing Centre at 6 Shek Lin Road, Tai Po, is also open every single day, and there are so many beautiful older puppies and adult dogs hoping to meet their forever families. 

Tuesday 1 October 2024

Tues 1st Oct: Forty-four can be a lucky number

 Forty four is a lucky number for some because that's the total of adoptions for September, while October got off to a good start too with four more dogs leaving to start their new lives.  At the same time we received eight newcomers at our Kennedy Town Homing Centre, all of which are shown in the photos below.  

Other than being National Day in Hong Kong, it was also Black Dogs Day internationally, and Tansy will remember this special day as the one when she joined her new family.

Also leaving the Tai Po Homing Centre after a short stay was Border Collie Darcy, now Bella, and she has also found a loving home for the rest of her life. 

Over at Kennedy Town the last of the three adorable terrier puppies was chosen, as well as poodle-terrier Pax.

Here is the list of the very lucky dogs and puppies that were adopted during September, and although terrier pup Petra isn't included because she was taken with her sister Pippin on a foster basis, in the end the foster period lasted a day before adoption was confirmed. 

Tai Po Homing Centre

Mavis (Multibreed)
Emma (Multibreed)
Patty (Alaskan Malamute)
Joss (Multibreed)
Scrunch (Multibreed)
Beethoven (Labrador)
Dimple (Multibreed)
Dorina (Doberman)

Kennedy Town Homing Centre
Juniper (Pomeranian)
Coco (Shiba Inu puppy)
Miffy (Bichon Frise)
Mimsy (Bichon Frise)
Kinsey (Terrier cross)
Katie (Multibreed)
Kara (Multibreed) 
Kiki (Terrier cross)
Kimi (Shiba Inu)
Tucker (Bichon Frise)
Milky (Shiba Inu puppy)
Prissy (Corgi)
Chelsea (Terrier cross)
Cosmo (Multibreed)
Tara (Terrier cross)
Ginny (Multibreed)
Georgia (Shiba Inu)
Docker (Poodle)
Gus (Shiba Inu puppy)
Pippin (Terrier cross puppy)
Pablo (Multibreed)
Curtis (Poodle)
Greta (Shiba Inu puppy)
Gabriel (Corgi cross)

Whiskers N Paws
Carly (Multibreed puppy)
Biggles (Multibreed puppy)
Bentley (Multibreed puppy)
Potter (Multibreed puppy)
Giselle (Multibreed puppy)

Foster Homes
Quentin (Multibreed)
Ivy (Multibreed puppy)
Indigo (Multibreed puppy)

Tung Tung (English Bulldog)
Bobo (Golden Retriever)
Happy (Golden Retriever)
Max (Golden Retriever)

Our Forever Dogs
Kingsley (Tai Po)
Campari (Lamma)

Rescued Dogs (Total: 36)
From AFCD: 7
From other sources: 29