Monday 30 March 2020

Mon 29th March: Can you really promise forever?

We have a lot of dogs at our Tai Po Homing Centre and they need YOU!
We're receiving so many adoption enquiries, as I know all other rescue groups are too, and while it seems like a good thing unfortunately most are for small-sized puppies which we don't currently have, or particular breeds which we also don't keep in stock. 

I'm also wondering if the sharp increase in people looking to adopt is due to the fact that so many are now working from home and have plenty of time to care for a dog, and what will happen when things return to normal, if and when they ever do? 

So I'm suggesting that you start with fostering, and maybe not a puppy, or at least an older puppy or young adult, so you can see just what is involved in terms of time, energy and everything else.  When you have a dog that means for around fifteen years (if you adopt a puppy) everything you do or plan has to take into account the four-legged family member, and that includes holidays, moving home or country, and even lie-ins which become a thing of the past.   You dog will rely on you for everything, including his or her life - FOR EVER - so please think very carefully about the long-term commitment and if you can really promise to be there until the very end.

If you're young your life will change, so can you really be sure at twenty-one that you will always be there for your dog?  If you're adopting for your children have you considered that they will grow up and may well lose interest?  Don't believe that when a five year-old promises to be responsible that he or she has any concept of what that means because no child can be responsible for a life.

Tai Po dogs come in all colours and ages
We have a lot of dogs at our Tai Po Homing Centre that would love to have a try-out during this difficult coronavirus time, so perhaps you can offer to foster and see how it goes.  Of course we hope you will fall in love and never want to give your foster dog up, but this is the perfect way to really understand just what kind of time commitment having a dog means.

We are looking for foster homes for the medium to large sized dogs at Tai Po Homing Centre in response to the COVID-19 situation. Please complete the foster questionnaire if you can help foster a dog!
Please note that:
1. Fostering period will start from 2 weeks and ideally until as long as the COVID-19 situation will last.
2. HKDR will provide food and all the necessary items.
3. Our team will assign a suitable dog who is in need for fostering for each foster home. You may let us know your preferences but please understand it’s most helpful for us if you are open to foster any dogs.
4. Some of the dogs may be shy with strangers or nervous in a new environment - it would help if foster parents have the patience and ideally the experience to deal with a nervous dog.
Thank you!

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