Wednesday 20 March 2019

Weds 20th March: The perils of warmer weather

Has the summer really started or will we still have some cooler days to enjoy before the continuous heat?  I've see a few snakes out and the mosquitoes are certainly already busy, so now is the time to make sure you step up the tick prevention for your dogs to protect them as best you can.  There's no doubt that treatment for tick fever is becoming more and more difficult as the parasites develop resistance to the drugs, and it's incredibly frustrating when you think everything's better only to have the dog relapse.  However much you might dislike the chemicals in the tick prevention products, you need to weigh that up against the side effects of the treatment if your dog gets sick, and I know which I prefer.  It's not only that tick fever can be very damaging to a dog's health and may even result in death, but anyone who may be moving to countries like Australia or New Zealand won't be allowed to take their dog if it tests positive for certain types of tick fever antibodies.

A heart filled with worms is exactly what heartworm means
It also still surprises me that so many dog owners seem to have no idea about heartworm, or that it's carried by mosquitoes so is everywhere.   One tablet a month is all it takes to make sure your dog is protected, and again the treatment is both expensive and can even be fatal in itself, so is it worth the risk.

Logan has already been and gone
We're still getting quite a few enquiries for Logan the husky, so here is his going home photo to show that he really is no longer available.

However, we do have the equally lovely, handsome, sweet and happy Tanner who would make a wonderful substitute, and you can meet this young boy any day at our Tai Po Homing Centre.

German shepherd Jenna is also still waiting for a home if it's a breed you're after, and she's a very lovely girl too.


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