Monday 19 October 2020

Mon 19th Oct: Being emotionally involved

 If you remember the dreadful case of the "Wonderland" dogs and cats that were abandoned and left to starve to death, which sadly many did, we took in quite a lot of the surviving dogs once the court case was over.  They had already spent almost a year at AFCD after having been rescued so by then they no longer resembled living skeletons, and several have since been adopted and are now living a life they couldn't have dreamed of during that dark period.  Sadly we lost two of the dogs, Robin and most recently Jemma, although we can never know if their previous ordeal contributed to their subsequent ill health and death. 

Today we had confirmation of the adoption of another of the dogs after a foster period, and now Emma is formally a real family member.  Her rather battered appearance is likely a result of having had to fight for her food and life while at "Wonderland", but her spirit and sweet nature were never affected. I love this photo of Emma and her corgi "brother", also an ex-HKDR dog, and we're so happy and grateful for the opportunity of happiness finally. 

Sadly another one of the Wonderland survivors has had no such luck, having twice been taken for a trial adoption but without either working out.  The worst part of this is that neither time was related to Samuel's behaviour in any way, as both homes said he was very calm, gentle and a very easy dog.  I feel heartbroken for him as he really is a lovely boy, and next time will be the last, of that I'm determined. (Samuel's photo is below). 

We do get emotionally involved with the dogs and puppies, at least I know I do, and I couldn't let go of the thought of the puppy-now-adult who had been sent to AFCD by his owners.  In the end they were asked to get Obi out of AFCD and bring him to us, so he's now at Tai Po. 

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