Monday 11 November 2019

Mon 11th Nov: Today was cancelled

Even though plans to pick up puppies from AFCD and to send other dogs to the vet had to be shelved, our Homing Centres were open as usual and will be open every other day.  The dogs need feeding and walking regardless of anything else, and although I stayed at home there's still plenty to do, such as replying to adoption queries.  I'd like to remind everyone once again to please check your Spam inbox if you're waiting to hear from me or anyone else at HKDR as many messages seem to be filtered out and end up being marked as junk mail.

One of the unfortunate cancellations was the transfer of a sick miniature pinscher (mini pin) puppy to Acorn after I'd agreed to HKDR taking over his care, and I hope that will happen on Tuesday but we'll wait to see what's possible.

We have so many lovely dogs and puppies waiting for homes, and for poodle Penny it's understandable that adoption might not be an option given her uncertain lifespan, but a foster home would be perfect.  Penny shows no sign of ill health and is a very happy and sweet girl who's desperate for cuddles.   She's nine years old and has an adrenal tumour, but we're having to wean her off the drugs previously prescribed by another vet before more tests can be carried out.  Penny will be off all medication very soon so we can see how she responds to that.  If you can help us by fostering Penny and live within reach of Acorn Vet Hospital, please let Cindy know by emailing  Penny's condition isn't infectious and she'd be great with children of any age as well as other dogs.

Dougal has gone from very scared to loving attention
Another poodle at Ap Lei Chau was a very scared boy when he first arrived but now Dougal is also very sweet and affectionate, although he may not cope well with very young children.  He's also nine years old, and that seems to be an age when many small dogs are given up, maybe before they reach double digits. 

Another reminder that we have many young puppies waiting for adoption but you won't find them listed on our website for two reasons, the first being that they grow so quickly that we would be forever having to update the photos, and the second that we hold the Sunday puppy afternoons at Whiskers N Paws so the puppies can all be seen together at the same time.
Three "Seasons" puppies on Sunday

As many puppies as possible stay in foster homes so we can arrange for potential adopters to meet them individually, and while that may not be as convenient as coming to one place to see them all at the same time, there's more flexibility regarding timing so it works both ways. 

The Seasons puppies are all in foster homes and doing very well, while there are three fluffy babies at our Ap Lei Chau Homing Centre.  If you're interested in any of these, or other larger/older puppies, please complete the Adoption Questionnaire at as a first step.
Three fluffy babies at Ap Lei Chau 

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