Wednesday 6 April 2016

Weds 6th April: Playing catch up

Best friends Lyra and Mango
Our email was temporarily down today while preparations were being made for the launch of the new website, and I can't wait.  Most of all it's the dogs who have suffered from the hacking that forced us to close down our old site completely, because there was no way of showcasing them other than on Facebook. As helpful as that is, it provides only a momentary glimpse before the next post goes up and the dog's photo and information gets pushed down the page.  There are so many beautiful, lovely, amazing and very homable dogs waiting at Tai Po, and under normal circumstances they would have been adopted very quickly.  Husky puppy Lyra, for example, or sweet and pretty Mango, and so many others that are patiently waiting their turn.  Soon they will all be back up on the website and hopefully leaving the Homing Centre to start their new lives.

Not being able to send emails was quite helpful in a way because it allowed me to wade through all of the messages that had come in while I was in hospital, and which I still had to action one way or another.  If you are waiting for a reply to an email sent last week, please remind me and I'll get onto it immediately, and in double-quick time if you are asking about adopting.

There was good news from Acorn and Dr Tony on two matters today, one being that my Lamma dog Cairo had recovered from her bout of gastric whatever, and that she was ready to go home on Thursday, and the other was regarding a recently surrendered corgi.  The ex-owner of this sweet little girl had totally failed to mention that she had a very large tumour inside, big enough that it could easily be felt by hand and didn't need ultrasounds or X-rays to locate.  At first it seemed that Coco wouldn't have long to live and I was asked to decide if I wanted to go ahead with surgery anyway, or just let her enjoy the time she had left.  I decided to opt for surgery and I'm very happy I did, as it turned out that although very large, the tumour was only attached to the liver by a small area and was quite easy to remove (if you're a skilled surgeon that is).  When I spoke to Dr Tony in the evening he was cautiously optimistic that Coco would do well, and she will be able to go back to her foster home by tomorrow (Thursday).  Of course there are never any guarantees in life, but I'm really hoping that Coco will have years, not just weeks, to look forward to.

3 very happy and lucky girls
Everything in life is a gamble, and that applies to homing dogs as much as anything.  Some dogs hit the adoption jackpot and end up in amazing homes, some do OK and are relatively happy with their lot, and thankfully the really bad ones are rare and usually end up coming back to us for a second try. It means everything to us to hear back from adopters and to know that our dogs and puppies are living the life of their (and our) dreams, and I wanted to share this lovely message I got today from someone who did just that to not one, but three lucky dogs.  (The most recent addition was shy doglet Sandy from our Ap Lei Chau Homing Centre).
Life is a "beach"

Just read your blog and I'm sorry to hear that the past couple of days haven't been easy. I know that you won't let that stop you continue doing all the amazing work you do for our beautiful animals. I wrote this the other day and I want to share it with you to remind you of all the doggies that you have rescued and in happy homes all across the world. Callie from the mountains. She reminds me that I am tough and not made out of sugar. She knows I love the rain and reminds me to dance in it like she does. She reminds me to be determined each day and that the world is a beautiful place. She reminds me that we are all unique and stunning in our own way. She reminds me not to take things personally and to enjoy life. Her smile radiates love and she reminds me to do the same. Hayley from the meadows. She reminds me to be in the present moment and to look up at the sky each day. She knows I love the sky and that it brings peace to my soul. She reminds me to gentle and kind, just like she is. She reminds me to have fun and to enjoy the present moment. Her cuddles bring me so much warmth, she reminds me to be there for people in need. Sandy from the beach. She reminds me to be tender and patient. With a little tenderness and patience, her dark eyes have lightened up and sparkle with affection. She reminds me to be grateful for what I have. She reminds me to be playful. She reminds me to have an open heart, to forget the past and to let the love flow, just like she has done. These three girls have taught me to love with no judgments, no boundaries and no conditions. Pure love has created this beautiful bond between us that will last forever. Siobhan x

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