I just wanted to do another quick update for the end of the month, and of the Chinese New Year holiday, even though it's now the weekend.
Firstly, we're still getting a lot of enquiries about Guy the French bulldog, although he's off the available list for now while we give him time to settle and de-stress. Not knowing his past other than being told he was about to be abandoned, we don't know why he has behaviour issues at such a young age, even though I can make a good guess. The good news is that he seems to be enjoying his new quarters and is responding to his personal space being respected, so I'm hopeful that he'll soon drop his fear-based behaviour.
Another Lamma dog who came to us with similar, or even worse trauma, is corgi boy Boomer, or Bubu as he was previously called. He was also very young when we accepted his from his previous owner, but he was untouchable. It's taken two years of just allowing him to watch and follow the other dogs, but for the first time today he actually asked me to pet him. I did of course, and Bubu really enjoyed having his ears scratched and chest rubbed, although I kept it short for this initial session. I realise that it's unreasonable to expect adopters to be able to wait that long for a dog to drop unwanted behaviour, and I'm not sure that Bubu will ever be suitable for adoption, but I just wanted to mention that even extreme anxiety will fade over time.
As is now traditional, a large group of Tai Po dogs enjoyed a Chinese New Year's day out with volunteers, so thank you to everyone who participated. All hiking volunteers are those who have been coming to help out at the Homing Centre for some time, just in case you're wondering if you can sign up just to take the dogs out for a hike.
Some of the dogs that get adopted directly from foster homes may not have their photos taken at the time of adoption, so I want to share a photo of two such dogs who ended up living quite close to each other. They're Porter and Umbria, and you can see how similar they are, as well as both being gorgeous.
French bulldog Pierre also moved from his foster to a forever home, so I hope we'll also have an adoption photo to share soon, as well as the list of other dogs adopted during January.
Finally, the lease has been signed for the new Homing Centre premises on Ap Lei Chau, so we will take over the site in a few days. It will still take some time to renovate and get everything ready to receive the dogs and staff from both of the Kennedy Town Centres, but now it's official that we will soon be back. As mentioned previously, it's was a difficult decision to make because although we have always wanted to move back to Ap Lei Chau, and to bring the two Centres together again, the cost of renovating is inevitably very high and we desperately need donations to help us cover at least some of the costs. If you can help, here is the link: Account name with HSBC - Hong Kong Dog Rescue Limited
Account no. - HSBC - 741-263776-838
You can also do a transfer with other options in this link .