Wednesday, 1 November 2023

Weds 1st Nov: If you think we're fussy about adoption....

 Well here we are at the start of a new month, and inching our way towards Peak to Fong, Christmas and then 2024.  It's the season for events and there's a lot happening, not just for us but hopefully with HKDR being involved in some way, and we're always very happy to be part of anything that can support us and our work.  There are always dogs and puppies needing a place to stay while they wait for their new families, and that means vet bills as well as food costs too. 

8 month-old Yaddle needs a home

Everything we do works towards adoption for the lucky ones, and lifelong care for those who are never given the chance.  It's very sad, but we can only try our best and we certainly do that.  For those whose application to adopt is turned down it's because there's a reason, and it's not a personal judgement on anyone's character.  In fact compared with some very well known organisations in the UK, HKDR makes it easy to adopt, and even I'm shocked by the people I know personally who are rejected.  

Sharlene will always have a funny face but she's happy

You must know about the "Sharpei Angel", adopter of many dogs including most recently Sharlene who had the jaw surgery so she could eat, and who is doing incredibly well I should add.   Two of the dogs adopted from HKDR by the same sharpei enthusiast were sent to live in England with the adopter's daughter, and they're also living very happy lives and having the best of care.  However when trying to adopt a very sad sharpei girl from a famous dog rescue organisation in the UK, the "Sharpei Angel" and her daughter were turned down because there were already two dogs in the home!   Eventually, and after a lot of discussion, the organisation agreed to allow fostering rather than adoption, and I'm very happy to say that the new sharpei girl is loving being in her new "temporary" home. 

The sharpei girl in her "medical suit"

As a side note, the sharpei girl hadn't even been spayed (desexed) by this renowned dog rescue organisation, so that was done after she was taken home.  The photo shows her in a "medical suit", a post-surgery alternative to the dreaded buster collar, also known as the "Cone of Shame".  It's a far better solution in my opinion.  

Preston looks a bit unsure in this photo

Back in Hong Kong, smaller dog Preston was adopted from our Kennedy Town Centre (the photo shows him on the left with the resident dog on the right). 

And something to make you smile I'm sure, the two "Rain Babies" Toffee and Horlick, are now six weeks old and very much into playing and wrestling.  It won't be long before they reach the age for adoption, and it's incredible how fast puppies grow. 

If you would like to adopt any of our dogs or puppies please complete the adoption questionnaire at, thank you. 

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