Sunday, 9 August 2020
Sun 9th Aug: Still unable to add photos
Hearing about dogs leaving Tai Po is always great news, and todays lucky boy was Jack (we had two Jacks before, one at each Homing Centre). Arriving to fill the vacancy was the dog I spoke about yesterday, the one who was never taken out, ever, because his owners said they didn't have the time. Harley is a large dog too, so I can't even begin to imagine the stress he was put under being kept inside a small apartment and espected to amuse himself. The only surprise is that he didn't go completely crazy, and now he has space to run and play with other dogs while he unwinds and remembers that not every human is so utterly selfish and lazy.
There are many new adoption enquiries for me to go through every morning, and I do try to reply to them immediately. However since so many are asking for small breed or hypoallergenic/low-shedding puppies or young adults, I'm getting to the point of just having to say sorry, we don't have any. Occasionally they come in but mostly we have puppies that are regular happy and healthy youngsters with normal coats, just like these
I'm not sure if the requirement for low shedders is because so many people really have allergies now or if it's more to do with the fact that having dog hair flying around is annoying, especially during the moulting season, but that's part of sharing your life with an animal.
Another one of the most recent intake was adopted today, puppy Scrumpy, and his place was taken by the three back-from-foster sisters shown in the video playing with William, the black pup.
As you can see I still haven't worked out how to use the new blog format, and reverting to the old style meant I can't add any photos. I need help from someone who understands how these things work!
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